• Acceptable Targets: Apparently, Asians, Barack Obama, and Khold.
    • Tatsu makes fun of Khold in good time.
      • They rag on Detroit, a LOT during the Heavy Rain LP.
    • Any celebrity or movie Tatsu hates.
    • The Jewish in more recent LP's.
    • Am I the only one who sees lots of Image Board influence from their choices?
    • Along with Khold is the group's other friends Nethertribes and Kagamine
  • Non Sequitur Scene: Corn bursting into song randomly during an episode of Left 4 Dead.
    • Also, the zombie song in part 3 of Left 4 Dead. Tatsu is incapped by tons of zombies and he starts singing. Seen here.
    • Corn randomly spazzing out during the 10th episode of the Harvey Birdman Spam Play.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Little Dergin is quite popular. Many fans wish she would return for non Bioshock 2 Spam Plays.
  • Freudian Trio: Arguably, Corn is the Id (does a lot of his stuff in most games, particularly the Left 4 Dead games, for the lulz of it), Tatsu is most likely the Superego (albeit with a terrible temper) and Spazzy is the Ego (although that's more out of process of elimination).
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Tatsu tells Corn at one point in the New Super Mario Bros. Wii Spam Play that there wouldn't be another Luigi's Mansion game 'Because YOU play him!'...guess what was announced at E3?
  • Les Yay: Spazzy said the reason she chose Blooper in Mario Party 8 is to tentacle rape Dergin.
  • Memetic Molester: The crew's friend Doc Sigma, lovably so.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Corn depending on the situation. He has been lost in Mercy Hospital in Left 4 Dead 1's No Mercy, caused multiple restarts in Left 4 Dead 1's Death Toll finale, and made terrible decisions in New Super Mario Bros. Wii that killed one or two of the others or the entire team (himself included).