The Iron Giant/Tear Jerker

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  • "You stay. I go. No following."
  • "Superman..."
    • One wonders what Vin Diesel would say to the knowledge that he can reduce grown men to tears with a single word. One that isn't a threat, that is.
  • "Souls don't die..."
  • The Giant after believing Hogarth to be dead. Even savvy viewers that knew otherwise got choked up by the Giant grieving for his friend.
    • If you listen close during that scene, you can hear the Giant whimper, "Hogarth."
  • The deer in the forest and Hogarth's explanation of the concept of death to the Giant.
  • The ending where the Giant is piecing himself back together bit by bit after being blown up is a Tear Jerker of the joyful kind.
  • This exchange of dialogue.

Annie: Shouldn't we get to a shelter?
Dean: wouldn't matter...

    • Just the hopelessness and sense of realism in his voice...
  • The scene after Hogarth nearly gets vaporized by the Giant when they were playing a game and the Giant mistook Hogarth's toy gun for a real weapon, and Dean yells at him, calling him "a big gun that walks." When Giant says, "I not gun," Dean gestures to a hole in the side of a bus and Giant gets a "My God, What Did I Almost Do?" moment as Dean tells him, "You almost did that to Hogarth!"

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