The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Funny: Difference between revisions

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'''Link''': [[Big Stupid Doodoo Head|He's got a dumb belly.]]
'''Traveler''': A dumb... belly? You filth, you have no appreciation for true beauty! [[Disproportionate Retribution|I'll take your life!]]}}
*:* When you're infiltrating the Yiga Hideout, sneaking around the hulking Blademasters is tense thanks to their ability to one-hit kill you. But if you set down some Mighty Bananas, they'll abandon their post and excitedly tiptoe towards them before swiping them like a little kid sneaking some cookies before dinner. It's a great way to sneak past them, and an even better way to kill them.
*:* A question you'll likely find yourself asking is "What kind of man is Master Kohga, anyway? How powerful and scary do you have to be to lead a clan of ninja as dangerous as the Yiga? When you finally fight him, the answer is {{spoiler|not in the slightest}}. {{spoiler|He's a fat, goofy [[Adult Child|manchild]] who's far hammier than even the hammiest Yiga assassins, and you beat him by dropping the metal balls he summons onto his head. Once you beat him, he actually ''kills himself'' when his last desperate attack backfires on him. A hilariously stupid ending for a hilariously stupid man.}}
* To sneak inside Gerudo Town, Link needs to looks like a woman. So how does he do that? Buy Gerudo clothes from Vilia, a "woman" who looks suspiciously like a man using a veil. Link ends up making a perfect girl and even presses his cheeks with his hands like an embarrassed teenager, since he didn't expect to look that good. And then a sudden desert wind lifts the veil, revealing that Vilia is indeed a man, and he warns about how the wind can easily ruin the disguise. Link facepalms, partially because he just spent 600 rupees in a fragile disguise, but also out of embarrassment for Vilia's crossdressing antics. And if you had Link compliment him on how pretty he looked beforehand, the embarrassment runs even deeper.
* Link's [[Chick Magnet]] tendencies backfire on him ''hard'' when he visits the Great Fairies. Kaysa in particular is an aggressive flirt, but all of them have no regard for his personal space when upgrading his gear. While things start out tame with them blowing kisses to a flustered Link, third-level upgrades have them lean in and give him a smooch while he cries out and hides his face in embarrassment. Then when you go for a fourth level upgrade, things escalate to them snatching him up in a powerful bear hug (and keep in mind, they're so big that Link can fit into the palm of their hands!) and dragging him down into their pools while aggressively cuddling the screaming hero. By the time you've fully upgraded a piece of gear the poor guy's been to hell and back... so of course, if you want to fully upgrade the rest of that gear's set (let alone ''every individual set''), he'll have to be subjected to the entire process ''all over again''.
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* When the stable masters say you can only board horses with them, they ''mean'' it. Riding a bear or a deer causes the annoyed stablemaster to chew you out, while a Stalhorse will make them afraid of it eating the other horses. Then there's {{spoiler|the Lord of the Mountain}}, who they refuse to board out of fear of being cursed by it.
* While talking to Hudson, Link adopts his stoic, blunt manner of speaking, leading to weirdly amusing [[Terse Talker]] exchanges between the two.
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