The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Difference between revisions

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** In addition to the Chuchus making a return from the last game, we have the Little Frox, little frog-like rock monsters found in the depths, and curiously the only mobs in the Depths with no Gloom corruption. Unfortunately, it seems the reason they were put there was to foreshadow the appearance of their big brother, who is... not adorable at all.
** In addition to the Chuchus making a return from the last game, we have the Little Frox, little frog-like rock monsters found in the depths, and curiously the only mobs in the Depths with no Gloom corruption. Unfortunately, it seems the reason they were put there was to foreshadow the appearance of their big brother, who is... not adorable at all.
** Bokoblins. Be honest, it's hard not to love these guys, especially when you gain the Bokoblin Mask and are able to safely get close to them, especially iven how their actions at their strongholds when they don't know Link is watching - like dancing or squabbling with each other over fruit.
** Bokoblins. Be honest, it's hard not to love these guys, especially when you gain the Bokoblin Mask and are able to safely get close to them, especially iven how their actions at their strongholds when they don't know Link is watching - like dancing or squabbling with each other over fruit.
** Horriblins; most would agree calling them "horrible" might be a little unfair. They may not be very adorable (and they are certainly ''very'' dangerous), but they can be rather funny at times, like the way bounce around yelping and clutching their buttcheeks when Link knocks them off the ceiling.
** Horriblins; most would agree calling them "horrible" might be a little unfair. They may not be very adorable (and they are certainly ''very'' dangerous), but they can be rather funny at times, like the way bounce around yelping and clutching their buttcheeks when Link knocks them off the ceiling.
* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: While you're exploring the Fire Temple, the Sage of Fire will call Yunobo, his descendant, "Little Rock" while speaking to him and Link.
* [[Airborne Mook]]: One of the new enemies introduced in this game is the Aerocuda, which the Bokoblins use for transport. Not very formidable, they can be destroyed with one hit from an arrow. They can, however, attack Link when he’s using his glider or a Zonai-built flying machine, making them slightly dangerous there.
* [[Airborne Mook]]: One of the new enemies introduced in this game is the Aerocuda, which the Bokoblins use for transport. Not very formidable, they can be destroyed with one hit from an arrow. They can, however, attack Link when he’s using his glider or a Zonai-built flying machine, making them slightly dangerous there.
* [[Alien Sky]]: The roof of the Depths has a swirling miasma of motes and fumes that can become clearer as more Lightroots are activated, giving the area an eerie appearance of a strange "sky".
* [[Alien Sky]]: The roof of the Depths has a swirling miasma of motes and fumes that can become clearer as more Lightroots are activated, giving the area an eerie appearance of a strange "sky".
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: Zelda's ancestor Sonia has a rather dark skin-tone, but jury's out on if it's a suntan or her natural skin color. Further complicating things is that while Zelda's as pale as can be, Rhoam, her father, was shown to dark-skinned himself in ''Breath of the Wild''.
* [[Amnesia Missed a Spot]]: {{spoiler|In the [[Final Battle]], the Dragon of Light - who is Zelda, having sacrificed her mind, soul, and memory in order to aid Link - seems to recognize Link at least subconsciously. She rushes forth to engage Ganondorf, letting Link take the Master Sword (assuming he hasn’t gotten it already) and serves as a platform for him to ride on as he engages the villain, also flying beneath to catch him if he falls during the battle.}}
* [[Ambiguous Situation]]:
* [[Ambiguous Situation]]:
** Thanks to how surprisingly little this game touches upon the events of ''Breath of the Wild'', it's hard to tell what sort of relationship Ganondorf had with Calamity Ganon. Was he directly controlling it, or was it an independent manifestation of his rage and malice? If Ganondorf could see what was going on through Calamity Ganon's eyes, he sure doesn't mention it, and he doesn't recognize Link either (While he does recognize Zelda, {{spoiler|it's because he already met her in the distant past thanks to the game's [[Stable Time Loop]]}}.
** Thanks to how surprisingly little this game touches upon the events of ''Breath of the Wild'', it's hard to tell what sort of relationship Ganondorf had with Calamity Ganon. Was he directly controlling it, or was it an independent manifestation of his rage and malice? If Ganondorf could see what was going on through Calamity Ganon's eyes, he sure doesn't mention it, and he doesn't recognize Link either (While he does recognize Zelda, {{spoiler|it's because he already met her in the distant past thanks to the game's [[Stable Time Loop]]}}.
** There’s also the issue of [[Ship Tease|the exact nature of Link and Zelda’s relationship]], where the story seems to be letting the players come to their own conclusion. Zelda was obviously using Link's house during the [[Time Skip]], as made clear when Link arrives at his house in Hateno that he could purchase in the previous game, but there is no confirmation that they were living together or if Link gave it to her. On one hand, the table is set for two people, and Link seems to have no problem using the bed (which can be used to restore his health) and Zelda would not have needed the secret study in the cavern underneath if she had the house to herself. On the other hand, none of the townsfolk in Hateno seem familiar with Link, implying that he didn’t spend much time there, and there’s a long sidequest where he seems intent on getting a new house in Tarrey Town, which wouldn’t be necessary had he been living in Hateno.
** There’s also the issue of [[Ship Tease|the exact nature of Link and Zelda’s relationship]], where the story seems to be letting the players come to their own conclusion. Zelda was obviously using Link's house during the [[Time Skip]], as made clear when Link arrives at his house in Hateno that he could purchase in the previous game, but there is no confirmation that they were living together or if Link gave it to her. On one hand, the table is set for two people, and Link seems to have no problem using the bed (which can be used to restore his health) and Zelda would not have needed the secret study in the cavern underneath if she had the house to herself. On the other hand, none of the townsfolk in Hateno seem familiar with Link, implying that he didn’t spend much time there, and there’s a long sidequest where he seems intent on getting a new house in Tarrey Town, which wouldn’t be necessary had he been living in Hateno.
** It's fairly tough to tell just how much time has passed between this game and ''Breath of the Wild''. Enough years have passed for Hudson and Rhondson of Tarrey Town to have a daughter who is old enough to talk and get into mischief, while Tulin, Kass' daughters, and several of the Gerudo children are now preteens. However, some children like Hunie, Shanae, and the kids in Hateno Village don't seem to have aged a day.
* [[Amnesia Missed a Spot]]: {{spoiler|In the [[Final Battle]], the Light Dragon - who is Zelda, having sacrificed her mind, soul, and memory in order to aid Link - seems to recognize Link at least subconsciously. She rushes forth to engage Ganondorf, letting Link take the Master Sword (assuming he hasn’t gotten it already) and serves as a platform for him to ride on as he engages the villain, also flying beneath to catch him if he falls during the battle.}}
* [[Amplifier Artifact]]: According to Mineru, this is the purpose of the Sages’ Stones. They amplify existing power, but do not grant it. The new Sages (Tulin, Riju, Sidon, and Yunobo) use them to increase their own power and create spirit avatars of themselves to accompany Link.
* [[Amplifier Artifact]]: According to Mineru, this is the purpose of the Sages’ Stones. They amplify existing power, but do not grant it. The new Sages (Tulin, Riju, Sidon, and Yunobo) use them to increase their own power and create spirit avatars of themselves to accompany Link.
* [[Anachronic Order]]: More than likely, the player will uncover the Dragon Tear Memories in the wrong order, making the flashback stories incomprehensible until they can all be viewed as a whole. In fact, it is possible the player can discover exactly what happened to Zelda long before the plotline that involves tracking her down is resolved. Of course, Link will never relate this information to inquiring NPCs until the plotline is resolved, suggesting that he is learning them in the correct order even if the player is not.
* [[Anachronic Order]]: More than likely, the player will uncover the Dragon Tear Memories in the wrong order, making the flashback stories incomprehensible until they can all be viewed as a whole. In fact, it is possible the player can discover exactly what happened to Zelda long before the plotline that involves tracking her down is resolved. Of course, Link will never relate this information to inquiring NPCs until the plotline is resolved, suggesting that he is learning them in the correct order even if the player is not.
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: {{Spoiler|The final stage of the final battle with Ganondorf, where he turns himself into the Demon Dragon, is meant to be a visual spectacle, and dear god, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|does it deliver]]. Still, as far as gameplay goes, it’s lackluster. Link rides into battle on Dragon Zelda’s back, paraglides onto the back of the Demon Dragon, and attacks the patches of Malice on its back. Link cannot die by falling in this battle (every time Ganondorf shakes him off, Zelda is certain to catch him) and his attacks are infrequent and so heavily telegraphed that you practically have to throw yourself into their path in order to get hurt. While it does put an extra spin on the skydiving ability and is a fun battle overall, it's not much tougher than the infamously underwhelming Dark Beast Ganon fight in ''Breath of the Wild''}}.
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]: {{spoiler|The final stage of the final battle with Ganondorf, where he turns himself into the Demon Dragon, is meant to be a visual spectacle, and dear god, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|does it deliver]]. Still, as far as gameplay goes, it’s lackluster. Link rides into battle on Dragon Zelda’s back, paraglides onto the back of the Demon Dragon, and attacks the patches of Malice on its back. Link cannot die by falling in this battle (every time Ganondorf shakes him off, Zelda is certain to catch him) and his attacks are infrequent and so heavily telegraphed that you practically have to throw yourself into their path in order to get hurt. While it does put an extra spin on the skydiving ability and is a fun battle overall, it's not much tougher than the infamously underwhelming Dark Beast Ganon fight in ''Breath of the Wild''}}.
* [[And Your Reward Is Clothes]]:
* [[And Your Reward Is Clothes]]:
** Literally every Misko quest rewards you with a piece of armor, and in some cases a matching weapon, such as the Fierce Deity Sword.
** Literally every Misko quest rewards you with a piece of armor, and in some cases a matching weapon, such as the Fierce Deity Sword.
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*** The Homing Cart. These are [[Cute Machines]] which, if turned on, slowly wheel themselves towards enemies. On its own, this is useful as a distraction, because monsters will attack the cart, but cannot harm it so long as the battery has power, letting Link launch a surprise attack. Attach a weapon to it - like the Cannon or any of the Emitters - and you have a lethal combat drone to send after them! Of, and it wags its “tail” when there are no enemies for it to home in on. The Construct Head is similar, except it is a stationary rotating platform rather than a Cart.
*** The Homing Cart. These are [[Cute Machines]] which, if turned on, slowly wheel themselves towards enemies. On its own, this is useful as a distraction, because monsters will attack the cart, but cannot harm it so long as the battery has power, letting Link launch a surprise attack. Attach a weapon to it - like the Cannon or any of the Emitters - and you have a lethal combat drone to send after them! Of, and it wags its “tail” when there are no enemies for it to home in on. The Construct Head is similar, except it is a stationary rotating platform rather than a Cart.
** The Stal Horses were something of a novelty in the previous game; Link could tame them, but not keep them, as the Stables refused to house undead horses. While the same is true here, they have a useful ability if tamed in the Depths. They are not covered in Gloom the way most enemies in the Depths are and Gloom does not harm them, so Link can ride on them and gallop right over large patches of Gloom without taking any damage.
** The Stal Horses were something of a novelty in the previous game; Link could tame them, but not keep them, as the Stables refused to house undead horses. While the same is true here, they have a useful ability if tamed in the Depths. They are not covered in Gloom the way most enemies in the Depths are and Gloom does not harm them, so Link can ride on them and gallop right over large patches of Gloom without taking any damage.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: '''Ganondorf.''' While he does a good job at hiding it at first, the Dragon's Tear showing {{spoiler|his murder of Sonia makes it clear that he's batshit ''insane''. He brutally kills her with a [[Slasher Smile]] on his face, and starts laughing his ass off once Zelda begins crying over her dead body. Once he empowers himself with Sonia's Sacred Stone, he loses whatever little sanity he had left and becomes a bloodthirsty, genocidal maniac hellbent on slaughtering everyone in Hyrule for fun}}.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: '''Ganondorf.''' While he does a good job at hiding it at first, the Dragon's Tear showing {{spoiler|his murder of Sonia makes it clear that he's batshit ''insane''. He brutally kills her with a [[Slasher Smile]] on his face, and starts laughing his ass off once Zelda begins crying over her dead body. Once he empowers himself with Sonia's Sacred Stone, he loses whatever little sanity he had left and becomes a bloodthirsty, genocidal maniac hellbent on slaughtering everyone in Hyrule for fun}}. Also, compare his reaction to {{spoiler|his draconification}} to Zelda's. To her, {{spoiler|it's an agonizing [[Painful Transformation]] that leaves her gasping and screaming before she turns}}. Judging by his psychotic laughter, Ganondorf is either {{spoiler|a complete sadomasochist, or too caught up in the bliss of ataining absolute power to care about the pain}}.

== B ==
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* [[Bloodless Carnage]]: {{spoiler|In one of the flashbacks, Ganondorf murders Sonia, attacking her from behind, but no blood is seen for the rest of the scene, even as Zelda tearfully cradles her body. Judging by the sound effect, this was either a censored back-stab, or Ganondorf simply ''punching her hard enough to snap her spine''.}}
* [[Bloodless Carnage]]: {{spoiler|In one of the flashbacks, Ganondorf murders Sonia, attacking her from behind, but no blood is seen for the rest of the scene, even as Zelda tearfully cradles her body. Judging by the sound effect, this was either a censored back-stab, or Ganondorf simply ''punching her hard enough to snap her spine''.}}
* [[Body Armor as Hit Points]]: Link can encounter Mooks wearing stone armor. This gives them a second life bar that Link first must destroy using a blunt weapon before actually lowering their health.
* [[Body Armor as Hit Points]]: Link can encounter Mooks wearing stone armor. This gives them a second life bar that Link first must destroy using a blunt weapon before actually lowering their health.
* [[Body Horror]]: According to the item description for Moblin Horns, the Red Moblins gained those horns through ''intentional'' body mutilation to encourage unnatural growth. More than likely, they aren’t the only ones.
* [[Body Horror]]: According to the item description for Moblin Horns, the Red Moblins gained those horns through ''intentional'' body mutilation to encourage unnatural growth. More than likely, they aren’t the only ones.
* [[Body Motifs]]: Hands. Symbolic of creativity, ingenuity, and cooperation, they play a major role in several parts of the story:
* [[Body Motifs]]: Hands. Symbolic of creativity, ingenuity, and cooperation, they play a major role in several parts of the story:
** Link loses his right arm, and gains a [[Magitek]] prosthetic; hand symbols mark places where Zonai technology is activated by a palm scan. The first skill he uses, Ultrahand, lets him move objects via telekinesis, and he can also learn Earthquake, a Yiga technique that lets him fight with bare fists.
** Link loses his right arm, and gains a [[Magitek]] prosthetic; hand symbols mark places where Zonai technology is activated by a palm scan. The first skill he uses, Ultrahand, lets him move objects via telekinesis, and he can also learn Earthquake, a Yiga technique that lets him fight with bare fists.
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== F ==
== F ==
* [[Face of a Thug]]: Dondons are Dodongo-like creatures with bulky armored bodies and an imposing pair of horns, and are mistaken for fearsome monsters by civilians who have seen Zelda riding one. However, they're very peaceful, dopey creatures that actually seem to have a bit of a shy streak to them.
* [[Fantastic Flora]]: In addition to the fruits and vegetables that Link can harvest and use, there is Sundelions, flowers found in the Sky Kingdom that hold solar power within, and are able to cure the debilitating effect of the Gloom. The Depths are covered with forests of strange twisted trees with fronds resembling peacock feathers, and strange purple grass. They're also gigantic mushrooms and weird fern-like plants.
* [[Fantastic Flora]]: In addition to the fruits and vegetables that Link can harvest and use, there is Sundelions, flowers found in the Sky Kingdom that hold solar power within, and are able to cure the debilitating effect of the Gloom. The Depths are covered with forests of strange twisted trees with fronds resembling peacock feathers, and strange purple grass. They're also gigantic mushrooms and weird fern-like plants.
**[[Fantastic Fruits and Vegetables]]: The stat boosting fruit and mushrooms return from the previous game (except Hearty Durans), with a lot of new ones appearing, such as elemental fruit that can be bonded to weapons in order produce bursts of flame, frost, electricity, water, or flashes of light. There are also muddle buds, whose pollen disorients living creatures, puffshrooms, whose spores create obscuring smoke, and the explosive bomb flowers.
**[[Fantastic Fruits and Vegetables]]: The stat boosting fruit and mushrooms return from the previous game (except Hearty Durans), with a lot of new ones appearing, such as elemental fruit that can be bonded to weapons in order produce bursts of flame, frost, electricity, water, or flashes of light. There are also muddle buds, whose pollen disorients living creatures, puffshrooms, whose spores create obscuring smoke, and the explosive bomb flowers.
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* [[The Sociopath]]: Ganondorf, as usual. He's violent, sadistic, power-hungry, and a total egomaniac who cares for no one but himself.
* [[The Sociopath]]: Ganondorf, as usual. He's violent, sadistic, power-hungry, and a total egomaniac who cares for no one but himself.
* [[Sudden Sequel Heel Syndrome]]: Yunobo seems to be a victim of this once you arrive in Goron City, and see that he's inexplicably become a rude, sneering drug kingpin dressed like an evil luchador. {{spoiler|He's still the same [[Nice Guy]] that he always was, just [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] thanks to Phantom Ganon's machinations}}.
* [[Sudden Sequel Heel Syndrome]]: Yunobo seems to be a victim of this once you arrive in Goron City, and see that he's inexplicably become a rude, sneering drug kingpin dressed like an evil luchador. {{spoiler|He's still the same [[Nice Guy]] that he always was, just [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] thanks to Phantom Ganon's machinations}}.
* [[Support Party Member]]: Aerocudas are this to the other monsters. While they die in one hit and are incredibly weak, you're not in danger of getting killed by these things. They will, however, ruin your stealthy approach by screeching loudly when they see you trying to sneak up on a monster camp. They'll also try to drop explosive barrels on you, which hurt a ''lot'' more than their standard charge attacks.

== T ==
== T ==