Topic on User talk:GethN7

DocColress (talkcontribs)

The user Weedle McHairybug has been given a temporary suspension of editing due to edit warring and pushing characters who were already deemed definite non-examples into the Complete Monster trope, with overcomplicated and not very coherent writeups filled with flimsy justifications for why he felt the characters counted regardless of whether or not they hit off the criteria. (The main offender being Maleficent, who he's been edit warring over and bringing insufficient evidence as to why she should be considered truly heinous above standard villainy, even citing a children's book with an unofficial sequel story to the original movie that doesn't really make her that much more heinous and in fact had her doing something mitigating by agreeing to Aurora's request that she undo the curse she'd put on everyone else so long as Aurora gets to fall under another deep sleep.) I've been arguing with him here. I'm familiar with him from Villains Wiki and it'd be an understatement to call him a loony, morally and spiritually bankrupt ignoramus who makes Lady Satsuki look sane. Not that I've said that to him outright, but I was hoping you could settle this for us so that it doesn't go on any further.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

Left a response.

If they continue to defy policy, do as you see fit.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

I hope it doesn't have to come to that. Even with the people who bother me most, I try to stay reasonable.