Topic on User talk:Jason taylor

Summary by Looney Toons

Explaining to the obvious ban evader just how obvious his attempts to evade his ban are.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

The problem with having your very distinctive pattern of grammar, spelling and usage errors is that it's very distinctive, and thus just editing anonymously is not enough to hide your identity. So both your account and the IP you were editing from anonymously have been temp-banned for one week.

It's also come down to this: this has stopped being a matter of guiding a wiki user into higher-quality contributions. This has basically become a wiki vandalism issue. Because you will not engage us, and are actively circumventing any attempt we're making to get you to do so, all we can conclude is that you would rather play games than put in the relatively minor effort it takes to improve your contributions to the point that we're not watching every word you add in order to determine what we have to fix this time. So here's an ultimatum for you: When the current tempban ends, you will have one week to respond to our requests and comments below. If you do not, you will receive a permanent ban from the wiki.

Write a reply, escape a permanent ban. It's very simple.

CC: @Labster, @GethN7, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @DocColress, @LulzKiller, @SelfCloak

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Adding to Looney Toons's post:

Sending any of us a "thanks" will not be sufficient. I do not get to see the "thanks" that anyone else receives, and nobody else gets to see the ones that I receive, so that channel does not work for showing all of the mods that you are taking this seriously enough to reply.

We know that you know how to write. Please do so, here. We want to hear what you have to say about your actions, here.

Derivative (talkcontribs)

It's just getting sad that many of the few new users we do get, often don't end up contributing constructively. IDK whether that's inherent to the generalness of small wikis or troping at this point.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

And it's obvious from your idiosyncratic pattern of grammar, spelling and usage errors that you've been evading this one-week block by editing anonymously. I've put a one-week temporary block on the most recent IP that you used to edit - and your current favorite page is now semi-protected so that you have to log in to edit it.

Looney Toons has promised you the chance to explain your actions. This is the only reason why I am not making your temporary ban a permanent one right now.