Topic on Talk:Power Systems

Summary by Kuma

There hasn't been a respond for around three years, so I am resolving it.

Kuma (talkcontribs)

I was thinking that the trope's name may need some work. I have though about 'Labeled Powers', 'Grouped Powers', 'Organized Powers', or 'Unique Powers'. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Jade Shauni (talkcontribs)

I dunno, my brain just crashed and I'm just going by description (Bare in mind I haven't given it much thought), so I am thinking that it should be called something other than "Quirk" or "Nen", if the trope needs a name change.

Kuma (talkcontribs)

That's okay, I was just curious if the current name fits the description like most other tropes.

Jade Shauni (talkcontribs)

My crashed brain was all "Let's make this into a 'Trope Namer'", instead of being practical.

Kuma (talkcontribs)

I guess but the current title seems to works from what I can tell. Do you agree?

Jade Shauni (talkcontribs)


Kuma (talkcontribs)

Thank you