Topic on User talk:Jah99

The "Tear Jerker" page you created earlier today for The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy/The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy has been deleted because it was a word-for-word copy of the same page at TV Tropes. Unless you are the original and sole creator of this page and can legally grant us a license to use it, this is a copyright violation and illegal. See our Copyright policy page for the specifics.

For the moment, your new page has been deleted to protect the wiki from legal liability. If you can provide definitive proof that you are its original and sole creator on TVT, we can undelete it.

Please respond in this thread to let us know that you understand and will comply.


-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @GethN7, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak