Topic on Talk:Superman/Characters/Superman


You are correct. I owe you an apology. My only excuse is that I saw no deletion from the parent page, nor did your edit summary say it was copied from the parent page, and I had no reason to suspect that it was a transplant within the wiki.

You need to understand that we deal with entire pages cut and pasted from TVT on an all-too-frequent basis, from both drive-by editors and even established long-time contributors (although the latter is fortunately rare). With no information to the contrary visible in the Recent Changes page, this looked exactly like one of those. Under most circumstances, Recent Changes is all I have to go by -- and on most days I have a lot of it to get through, and I look at almost every change. From my point of view an entire subpage appearing out of the blue with no corresponding deletion from a parent page is suspicious. Had you deleted the material you transplanted I would have gone "oh, okay" and moved on.

Regardless, the point remains that I made an error, falsely accused you, and threatened moderator action against you. I apologize for the error and its consequences.

-- Looney Toons, admin

CC: @Labster, @Robkelk, @QuestionableSanity, @Derivative, @SelfCloak, @GethN7