Topic on Talk:Wall Banger/Comic Books

Can we discuss the latest removal?

HLIAA14YOG (talkcontribs)

I was under the impression this is a YMMV trope, so there is no objective truth to be sought.

Even if we consider it objective, I read several comic book material about the character and he manifested no attraction to guys before, the reason why it was quite a shock to read that issue. Chuck Dixon wrote over 100 issues of Tim Draken's Robin series and he personally said he never wrote him as bi in any whatsoever. And I'm pretty sure he is the guy who wrote most issues where Tim Drake is the main character than anybody else on the world, so it's good as Chris Claremont word on the X-Men, even if he isn't the main creator.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

You are correct, this is a YMMV trope. I perhaps should not have approved the removal, but now that it has been done and the topic brought up, let's discuss this and see if there is way to rephrase it to cover all the bases -- such as "under writer X, Tim exhibited behavior Y, which some of the fanbase found improbable".

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

I generally agree with this, but should additionally note for the discussion's sake that while YMMV is gonna naturally be opinionated, I personally feel said opinion should at least ideally be substantiated - else it risks being written as through its author spoke from between the other pair of cheeks, and that might invite Natter/Flame Wars/What Have You. There's likely to be differing (and hopefully more articulate) opinions on this matter.

Agiletek (talkcontribs)

Not to mention western comics have consistently made characters retconed to "bisexual" defacto exclusively homosexual and this looks to be no different (His ex-girlfriend sees this and is totally cool with it?).

HLIAA14YOG (talkcontribs)

I tried to come up with something like you suggested:

"Under writer Chuck Dixon in his own series, Peter David's Young Justice, and Geoff Johns' Teen Titans, Tim Drake's Robin exhibited constant attraction to women and none for men. A lot of years and several writers lately, with the character losing his focus in favour of Damian Wayne's Robin in the wider DC Universe, the character is revealed to be bisexual at the end of Batman Urban Legends Issue 9. Many fans noticed how continuity-breaking this was with previous appearances of the character which didn't even seemed to hint at it, and Chuck Dixon himself said he never wrote the character as bi."

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

That seems to state the core of the matter quite dispassionately. I think maybe that "lately" ought to be "later", and of course you need italics markup (and maybe link markup) on the work names, but I wouldn't have a problem with this being added.

HLIAA14YOG (talkcontribs)

Well, nobody aside of Looney gave an opinion over my suggestion, negative, positively, or neutral, so I added it to the page with the corrections he suggested.