Topic on Category talk:Trope Workshop

Proposal: Beanie Baby Knockoff Trope, Name Suggestions Requested

Summary by Looney Toons

Trope finally launched as Collectible Cloney Babies.

Jlaw (talkcontribs)

I feel like Beanie Babies, and their phenomenon has entered fiction. There is a morbid fascination, and I don't think we have a trope currently that covers it.


1) The toy is a collectible.

2) Adults and children both want is as a periphery demographic. Sometimes adults buy for the kids, or for themselves.

3) The toy goes viral. Sometimes it may have consequences like an emptied wallet.

There is Beary Bubbies in The Berenstain Bears, Tickle-Me-Wigglys in Black Friday, Beefy Babies in Pearls before Swine, and so on; so there are enough for an entire trope page.

The problem is that I don't know what name should go with the "Beanie" or "Babies" part. No synonym is alliterative. Any thoughts?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Cloney Babies?

Jlaw (talkcontribs)

Hmm, not a bad idea. I wonder what words similar to "knockoff" start with the letter "B".

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

There don't appear to be any. offers a couple dozen or so, but none start with "B".

Jlaw (talkcontribs)

Dang. I suggested some options below as well.

Jlaw (talkcontribs)

Perhaps Borrowable Babies? Beany Bastard? Beanie Knockoff Brood?

Some synonyms for babies that are alliterative:






Lequinni (talkcontribs)

I like Cloney Babies, it isn't alliterative, buy it rhymes and that's close enough.

Popular Plushies, if you want the alliteration and the reference to a phenomenon that began with stuffed toys.

Jlaw (talkcontribs)

Okay! I'll think about choosing between Cloney Babies or Popular Plushies. My concern with Cloney Babies is if it creates any confusion about cloning tropes. (Which would be a cool idea of plushies that can clone themselves.)