Topic on User talk:Gadjiltron

...but only because we were able to read enough of the history for the corresponding TV Tropes page to confirm that you -- or at least a user there with the same handle as you -- are the sole editor behind that page, and thus have the legal right to copy it in its entirety to All The Tropes. In the future, if you will be transferring any other pages which are solely your own work, please let us know in the edit reason when you create the page; it'll save us a bit of time and effort. And in case you aren't aware, if you aren't the sole author of any material you want to copy over, you can't legally do so without the express written permission of all other TVT contributors who worked on it.

Okay, now that the stern moderator stuff is done with, welcome to All The Tropes! Your new page is one of best-done first contributions we've seen in a while, and for that we thank you. We look forward to your future contributions.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak