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* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "Journey's End", the Earth's self destruct requires three out of five UNIT soldiers in different countries around the world to work together to activate it.
* Referenced in an episode of ''[[Seinfeld]]'', where George's girlfriend refuses to accept their break-up. Both she and Jerry compare this to launching missiles from a submarine (Jerry says it's not the same, but George's girlfriend says it is).
* In [[Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series)|the 2000s ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'']], the nuclear launch tubes on [[The Battlestar|battlestars]] are controlled by two-keyed locks.
* In the ''[[Andromeda]]'' pilot episodes, Dylan gives four people he barely knows positions on his ships - because, apparently, one person cannot launch the Nova Bombs.