User:Jade Shauni/sandbox

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Pantheon: Trope Pantheons

We here in All The Tropes love to categorize things, like tropes, wikis, television shows, tv shows, movies, and such, one day we were thinking: What would things be life if the whole world were run totally on tropes? Who would be the Gods and Goddesses? Obviously, there's not one singular deity to watch over everything...So, we try to come up as many ideas as possible. No prayers, condolences, or sacrifices to these gods are required...It's just for fun.

Please do not confuse with Religion Tropes.

Trope Pantheon Template

Before Submitting a God/Goddess, Read The Rules: These rules are made so we don’t fall like Tv Tropes, their Trope Pantheon is more convoluted and messed up than Call of Duty. - How you ask? You need a spreadsheet to keep track of everything, we want to keep this mainly as a trope museum, having a character that embodies the trope.

1) Use proper grammar at all times. If your English is poor or not your first language, use the sandbox to get it proofread before posting or do not post.

2) If you have any bias for or against a character, keep it out of your writing.

3) Crossovers should make sense, as in having some modicum of logic.

4) Do not do lazy things, like voice actor connections between characters, to write crossovers.

5) Similar to rule four, please reframe from doing recycled memes.

5) Do not put characters in positions, just because they are in fashion now. Do it because the character(s) best embody a trope.

6) Keep everything consistent.

7) Refrain from trying to write epic fanfiction sagas in All The Tropes, this is a wiki. It’s encouraged that one takes that spark of creativity to, deviantart, Archive of Our Own, and other writing sites like it to make fanfiction about the ATT's Trope Pantheon, not here.

8) If you’re writing, just because a character turns you on. Please do not.

9) If you’re writing about real people for the Trope Pantheon, use only Historical Domain Characters, especially if they’re larger than life. Don’t use currently living people, especially politicians, we don't want problems.

10) Reminder: Careful if you're bringing over a god/goddess from Tv Tropes, please do not copy word for word, otherwise it's copyright infringement. Say it in your own words. - Unless you also post on Tv Tropes and you're bringing over your own edits.

-- New Deity Template --

God X, God/dess of (Insert Trope Here) (Alternate names/Nicknames/Fan Nicknames)

  • An image, if possible. Please use official art or a screenshot for a picture.
  • Rank: This can range from god, demigod, lesser god, and whatever status the Greek Fates has.
  • Symbol:
  • Alignment:
  • Portfolio: The Trope/tropes associated with the character
  • Domains: Things this character has influence over.
  • Allies: Gods that are the said god's Pantheon friends/allies
  • Rivals: Gods that are the said god's Pantheon rivals (Or worst, foes).
  • Additional Character Relationships: Members of the Pantheon have relationships with each other (examples including Enemy Mine, Friendly Enemy, etc.)
  • Now add random trivia/facts about events/aligments/moments/fights, etc.

Cheagal Fonts

Whether a character is a precocious child, team pet, or an alien ends up writing on behalf of the adult, legal guardian. Doing this gives results that is heavily implied that the youngster is either a genius and wise beyond his years or has better handwriting, or the adult in question’s writing is similar to how a child writes or has average/ horrible handwriting. This can be played for humor or a very nice save on the child’s part, in a more serious story.

The trope namer came from Tales of the Abyss, the cheagal in question, Mieu, tries to fill in for Luke with writing his daily journal, the other characters inquire about Luke’s penmanship, implying that Fabrve’s writing is questionable or Mieu knows how to write human.

Compare and contrast ‘Signature Style,’ ‘Creator Thumbprint’, and Most Writers Are Adults.



In a Naruto filler, it turns out that the titular character completed the latest Make Out Paradise novel, which made the shojun think that the rival leader send him a peace gift. This implied that Jirarya has the writing skills of a pre-teen or that Naruto knows how to write (Since the titular hero also is the editor of Make Out Paradise series).

Video Games

In Tales of the Abyss, when Mieu notices that Luke was skipping days of writing in his journal. The young cheagal took matters in his own paws, resulting in some hilarious reactions from Luke’s friends.