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Notes for possible Trope Workshop Pages

Trope Workshop:Tropeophile

Needs a Better Title. Really Needs a Better Title -- even the page creator thinks that this one is an Esoteric Trope Title, but can't come up with anything better. DO NOT LAUNCH THIS TROPE WITH ITS ORIGINAL NAME. (If I recall correctly, "X-philes" was a Parallel Porn Title that a translation company gave a hentai anime OAV back in the days of VHS, so that's out, too.) Suggestions here (above the page quote), please.

Dwarfs are very attached to gold. Any highwayman demanding 'Your money or your life' had better bring a folding chair and packed lunch and a book to read while the debate goes on.

Most people like particular things and dislike other particular things. Some people really like certain things, to the point that everybody else around them knows it.

And then there are these people - the ones who really, really like something, to the point that the liking is a major (or sole) facet of their personalities, verging on or actually being an obsession with the thing that's liked.

If this attraction is taken out of context - or, in some cases, in context - it can sometimes be seen by in-universe viewers as Head-Tiltingly Kinky.

Overlaps with Drink Order and Trademark Favorite Food (especially the Orgasmically Delicious sort), when those are what the character lives for.

Compare with Security Blanket, where the liked item in question gives its owner peace of mind simply by being within sight.

Anime and Manga

Comic Books


  • Discworld has this as the dwarfs' racial attitude toward gold. In more than one novel, it's made clear that their sorrow after a mine cave-in isn't caused by the loss of dwarf life, but rather by the loss of a seam of gold that hadn't been completely mined out yet. As for keeping the gold once they've dug it out of the ground, see the page quote.

Trope Workshop:Hated for Being Different

A character is discriminated against because of the character's race, species (in works with more than one sophont species), gender, or sexual orientation.

Super-trope to:

Truth in Television, alas, so No Real Life Examples from the last hundred years and only capsule descriptions of earlier injustices, please - otherwise, we'd be here all day.


  • In Shemekia Copeland's song "She Don't Wear Pink", the person that the song is about loses her job as a teacher because she isn't straight.

Trope Workshop:Meteoric Rise

(in ability)

needs a better description

Anime and Manga

Trope Workshop:It Isn't Cheating if You Don't Get Caught

needs a better description

Anime and Manga

  • Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: Hermes plays very fast and loose with the rules, especially in season 1 when he enters Dungeon (an act forbidden to gods), and in season 2 of the anime where he connives to give Bell Cranel a protective amulet during the War Game and looks inside the package he delivers to Ishtar, then tells Bell about it later.