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Your proposed edit to "Forgotten Fallen Friend" has been rejected in Moderation...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

... for much the same reasons as all of your previous edits over the past few years have: It is a single massive run-on sentence with essentially random capitalization throughout, lacking link and italics markup on the work name, and is so poorly composed that some of it is effectively unintelligible.

I note that over the past two and some years you have steadfastly refused to either respond to these messages or follow the advice we admins have given you on how to improve your contributions. It falls to us now to inform you that, per our policy page How We Do Bans Around Here, you are now officially being warned: "Repeatedly ignoring a mod" is grounds for a temporary ban, with a subsequent escalation to a permanent ban if you continue to ignore us. We are being generous here -- your past actions would easily qualify you for a tempban right now, but we'll give you one more opportunity to prove to us that you can (or want to) write at something above a first-grade level and that you actually want to see your changes accepted instead of being rejected as unusable.

Respond to us and work with us to improve your contributions and you may actually see them become part of the wiki. However, if you don't reply to us and submit another illiterate edit, you will be tempbanned (and for a period of time proportional to your frequency of editing, which will probably be on the order of a year). Or worse, we may after discussion simply tag you as a spammer in the moderation system, which will from that point on automatically discard your edits without ever even letting us know you made them.

Your choice.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@HollyBush69x1, @Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I support Looney Toons for issuing this warning.

-- robkelk, admin

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

It has now been nearly three months since this warning was issued. Given the frequency of your edits, we feel it has been long enough for you to see this warning and respond. You have not responded. You are therefore now subject to a one-year temporary ban; as noted above, this duration has been chosen for your maximum inconvenience based on how often you edit. If when the ban expires you continue to make illiterate and unusable edits, we will offer one more warning before imposing a permanent ban for the protection of the wiki. As the saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

If you wish to contact the moderation staff and work with us to improve your edits during your ban, this page (and only this page) will remain open for you to edit.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

This is becoming a pattern...

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Once again, we've had to reject your proposed edit to Hate Sink.

One issue is purely mechanical -- it is a Real Life example that you wanted to add to the Live-Action TV section of the page.

Another issue, which three of the moderators discussed before we made this decision, is that it falls afoul of one of the wiki's core policies: All The Tropes:There is No One True Way. You obviously aren't willing to temper your disgust for this person (admittedly, with good reason). While this wiki isn't neutral, we do try to avoid libel lawsuits -- and the Wikipedia article about the person mentions he had brought lawsuits against other people in the past. (In the UK, the statement being true isn't a defense.)

It is also riddled with spelling and typographical errors, is lacking necessary punctuation, and is basically a few massive run-on sentences.

Also, it doesn't link to other relevant wiki pages (such as the various works that you mentioned).

If you could step back for a few days, get your passions under control, and then submit a calmer version of the edit with the spelling and grammar corrected and the entry added to the Real Life section (even if you have to create the section), we'll take another look at it.

Please reply to this post so that we know you've read it. We want to talk with you, not to you.

@HollyBush69x1 @Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Again, thank you for your contributions,

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)
Robkelk (talkcontribs)

A simple proofreading of your work before submission will go a long way to resolving your difficulties here.

If you prefer UK spelling, please consult the Cambridge Dictionary and use its entries to correct your own work before submitting it here.

If you prefer US spelling, please consult the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and use its entries to correct your own work before submitting it here.

Both dictionaries are available online at no charge. (This is why I recommended Cambridge's dictionary instead of Oxford's.)

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Additionally, please consider running your contributions through a grammar checker, such as those at Grammarly.com, Writer.com or Grammarcheck.net. These should help you identify and resolve some of the other issues in your contributions.

Thank you for your contributions!

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

And welcome to the Wiki. However, I regret to tell you that we've rejected your edit to Hate Sink, because it's riddled with spelling errors, typos and other problems. For example, the first sentence of your new passage reads, in part:

Ser Gregor Clegane ... is a thourougly violent dispicable and isles recognisably human

Just in these few words there are two spelling errors and what appears to be a typo or spellchecker glitch ("isles", which I presume is supposed to be "is less"). This kind of thing shows up a lot in your edit. You're also missing necessary punctuation in places, and you make reference to various tropes without adding link markup to them. Among other issues.

We strongly recommend you fix the errors in your contribution and resubmit it.


@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak @Robkelk

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