User talk:ThePensiveOne

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Your proposed changes to Carl Jung

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

It looks like a copy of TV Tropes for the most part, and unless you are porting over your own edits, that is not allowed. If you would like to prove it is indeed your own work, please provide that information, otherwise we will be forced not to approve the edits.

We take plagiarism very seriously, so please bear with our caution, we consider it necessary to avoid plagiarized content.

If it is NOT your work, please admit to it, and we will let this slide and give you one more chance to submit original edits, provided you submit further edits that are not copied from TV Tropes (or anywhere else for that matter without proper attribution and permission), whose site license now prevents copy anything other than one own work since July 2012.

ThePensiveOne (talkcontribs)

I see your point. There is new material, such as the paragraph discussing the nuances of Jung's views on Nazis, and the new info on the Sabina Spielrein affair and synchronicity as a scientific concept, plus the selected bibliography and some scattered new lines here and there. But the rest is reorganized content from TV Tropes. With that in mind, in the coming days I'll try to rephrase everything from scratch so that no material from TV Tropes is present, and I apologize for my negligence of these facts about your guidelines.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

Your honesty is appreciated. With that said, I just rejected the pending edit so you can resubmit new content without issue, please carry on doing as you stated, look forward to your further work.

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