Villain with Good Publicity: Difference between revisions

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* Recently in the ''[[Archie Comics Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' comics, this status was bestowed on long-time villain [[Evil Sorcerer|Ixis Naugus]]. Due to a combination of the public's mistrust of NICOLE following her previous [[Brainwashed and Crazy|brainwashing]] by the Iron Queen {{spoiler|(fueled by Naugus' own [[Hate Plague]] magic)}} and Naugus' own actions to defend New Mobotropolis from both Eggman and the Battle Bird Armada, his support amongst the citizens reaches the point that they {{spoiler|gladly appoint him their king}}.
* In one comic book adaptation of ''[[Justice League (animation)|Justice League]]'', several ice and cold-themed villains - Mr. Freeze, Captain Cold, Snowman, Icicle, Cryonic Man, Killer Frost, and Minister Blizzard - formed a team under the leadership of a new villain called Polar Lord, and led a successful coup in a poverty-stricken African nation. The League had no luck in their first attempt to combat a group seen as saviors to a starving and oppressed citizenry, especially when said "saviors" had access to powerful new weaponry provided by Polar Lord. Of course, this completely fell apart for the villains when "Polar Lord" turned out to be General Eklu, a scout from a warmongering planet preparing an invasion. Of course, it turns out even worse for Eklu when the other villains find out [[Treacherous Advisor| his plans ''do not'' involve them...]]
* In a comic book adaptation of ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' (by BOOM! Studios) Rita Repulsa, of all people - or rather, an alternate dimension version of her - becomes this. In this reality, Tommy remains her henchmen, and as a result, succeeds in conquering the world, later seen as a benevolent dictator. Unfortunately, she is eventually betrayed and assassinated by Tommy himself - now called Lord Drakken - who is [[Complete Monster| anything but this Trope]].
== Fan Works ==