8-Bit Theater/Characters: Difference between revisions

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'''A description of the character goes here.'''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Amusing Injuries]]: What keeps them amusing despite their frequent intentional and unintentional sociopathy.
* [[Amusing Injuries]]
* {{spoiler|[[And the Adventure Continues...]]: For Black Mage and Fighter at least}}.
* [[Badass Crew]]: Fighter and Thief get to do badass things on a regular basis, but Black Mage and Red Mage have defeated multiple demigods.
* [[Butt Monkey]]s: Black Mage generally has it the worst, but all of the Light Warriors get their share of abuse at various points.
* [[Destructive Saviour]]s: Initially. Later they drop the "saviourssaviors" part.
* [[Five-Man Band]]: there are a couple of... er... strange ways to assign roles to this group. Mostly it works like this:
** What you'd ''think'' would be the format:
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* [[Ambidextrous Sprite]]: The crescent moon on his Blue Mage outfit.
* [[Attractive Bent Gender]]: Well, [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/01/18/episode-238-a-light-warrior-by-any-other-name/ the Archer Captain thinks so]. [[Squick]].
* [[Ax Crazy]]: As if the name and quote didn't give it away, his default for anything is to kill with extreme prejudice.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Black Magic]]: Specifically [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2006/07/11/episode-718-necronomisutra/ necromancy] and several offensive spells, such as [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2001/04/27/episode-021-assaulting-the-elderly-at-last/ Bolt-2] [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2001/04/25/episode-020-the-quest-to-assault-the-elderly-continues/ a.k.a. Electric Death], [[Eye Beams]] and of course his [[Kamehame Hadoken|Hadoken]], which he got by sacrificing nine orphaned kids to his dark god and which siphons love out of the universe every time it's used.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: He becomes this kind of character after his class change. At first, he thought that Blue Magic grants its user the immunity to enemy attacks, as well as the ability [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2006/01/10/episode-646-a-short-history-of-magic/ to learn and use said attacks] - so naturally, he was overjoyed after gaining Blue Magic. As he learned quickly ([http://www.nuklearpower.com/2006/02/07/episode-658-feeling-blue/ and painfully]), it didn't grant him immunity to anything, and while he was able to learn attacks used against him, [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2006/02/16/episode-662-hell-is-other-monsters/ he had to survive them first]. Plus, in the course of the series, he's learned only three spells through Blue Magic - one of which is the Goblin Punch, which has a mostly impractical range. The others include a spell specifically targeted at him, [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2006/04/29/episode-689-backfire/ as he learns the hard way], while the third one [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2009/05/23/episode-1131-turnabout-isnt-fair-play/ rewrites reality according to Sarda's whim], which in practice also makes it targeted at him.
* [[Blood Is the New Black]]: [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2006/09/28/episode-749-murder-by-numbers/ Happened to him] [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2007/04/12/episode-832-character-is-what-you-are-in-the-dark/ a few times].
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: It's fairly easy to read him as this; over the course of the comics he's used the widest varieties of spells, displayed in-depth knowledge about magical theory(including magics he doesn't personally practice, such as ice and summoning) and history, and as mentioned elsewhere, so long as he's not particularly angry or close to White Mage, he's generally the smartest of the group. He just happens to be insanely lazy, commenting more than once that a battle would go their way if they all actually fought instead of just standing by to let Red Mage get mauled, and not acting on it because it's too much effort. Partly justified by him being a [[Death Seeker]]; he knows that when he dies he becomes one of the single most powerful creatures in existence.
* [[Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu]]: [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2005/01/27/episode-508-insurrection/ once] fought off a deep one, a dinosaur, and a [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever|giant marmoset]] with nothing but his knife. He was certainly [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2005/01/29/episode-509-just-after-the-epic-battle/ feeling it afterwardsafterward] , though.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: To the point where the universe itself is geared to hurt him.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: He makes no attempt to present himself as anything other than evil, makes absolutely no excuse for [[Person of Mass Destruction|mass-murder and destruction]], and he's [[Insult Backfire|damn well proud of it.]] Red Mage and Thief tend to be [[Somebody Else's Problem|just blind to morality and ethical standards]], but Black Mage can very easily see the moral dilemma of a problem, and he may even argue about the validity of it. ... Of course, he only identifies it so he can go in the completely opposite direction.
* [[Casanova Wannabe]]: Every time he talks to White Mage, he is either this or [[Dirty Old Man]] (minus the 'old' part, [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2006/01/26/episode-653-growing-pains/ as he only went through puberty a year or so before the events of the comic]).
* [[Character Alignment]]: Confirmed to be [[Lawful Evil|of]] [[Neutral Evil|the]] [[Chaotic Evil|evil]] alignment in [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2009/12/15/episode-1204-chew-on-that/ this strip].
** On his better days he's [[Chaotic Neutral]]. Usually, he's [[Neutral Evil]].
* [[Charm Person]]: [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/05/06/episode-281-helpin-a-buddy-out/ Hypno][http://www.nuklearpower.com/2006/12/16/episode-783-protective-eyewear/ vision].
* [[The Chew Toy]]: And, frankly, he deserves it.
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: Not only does he betray the rest of the team when given a chance, but he also frequently stabs them in the back (or head) ''[[Knife Nut|literally]]'' - especially Fighter.
** While Black Mage is a literal back-stabberbackstabber, Thief may hold the higher "betray the group" count.
* [[Cosmic Plaything]]: The universe just loves gnawing on him. To be fair though, the universe probably should have thought about the consequences of allowing a nexus of excessively destructive reality-warping power to exist in the soul of an individual with as much sanity and stability as a nuclear bomb. The universe is probably trying to rectify the situation by attempting to stamp him out of existence ''without'' killing him (as killing him would hence get rid of the [[Restraining Bolt]] that is his mortal body... you know, 'cause [[The End of the World as We Know It|that did not]] [[Apocalypse How|work out so well]] [[Oh Crap|last time]]).
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Occurs mostly when he is around Red Mage and Fighter for any period of time. And when he's not holding the [[Idiot Ball]].
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Even Black Mage thought that Thief's idea to impose fees for ''clouds'' [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2008/01/29/episode-948-like-new-coke/ was really sick].
** Also planned to create a whole new level of hell specifically as punishment for the things Red Mage did to chocobosChocobos.
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: In addition to being an [[Omnicidal Maniac]], he is also the biggest [[Jerkass]] in the comic (with the possible exception of Sarda).
* [[Eye Beams]]
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* [[Fake Ultimate Hero]]: All of the Light Warriors qualify, but [[Ax Crazy|Black Mage]] really takes the cake, stabs the cake, urinates on whatever's left, poisons it, gives it to an orphanage, and then [[Kamehame Hadoken|Hadokens]] said orphanage for good measure. A full list of his atrocities would probably double the size of this page.
* [[For the Evulz]]: The reason for nearly everything he does in the series.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: subverted. Technically he has one, in that the excessive amount of power that exists in his soul has driven him insane (confirmed in-universe)... but he realisesrealizes this at one point, [[Ignored Epiphany|ignores it]], and continues to go on to do so many evil things that there is literally no justification for what he's done.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Very much so. Unfortunately for him, he's not [[Genre Savvy]] enough when it comes to Sarda.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2008/04/10/episode-977-moving-as-hell/ He describes himself as one].
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* [[Hidden Depths]]: He has moments like [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/05/03/episode-280-hot-backdoor-action/ these] when the audience realizes he has a vast swamp of rather uncomfortable emotional turmoil. And he has moments like [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/12/02/episode-486-fell-down/ these] which could count as a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]. However, they often come on the heels of moments like [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/11/27/8-bit-chronicles-3-of-3/ these] which clearly favor him for the post of anthropomorphic personification of all Evil. He's still a [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]...Maybe.
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]
* [[I Love the Dead]]: Once expressed willingness to have sex with White Mage's dead body, considering it only slightly less ideal than having sex with her while alive. He did have sex with the corpse of {{spoiler|his own dopplegangerdoppelganger}}.
* [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]]: He has a ''lot'' of trouble hitting the right target with his Hadokens. "[http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/06/17/episode-430-very-long-range/ HOW DO YOU MISS A VOLCANO?!]". (Though he doesn't mind too much as long as ''something'' dies.)
** "[http://www.nuklearpower.com/2002/01/17/episode-109-a-little-kindness-goes-a-long-way/ How did you not only miss us, but manage to zap yourself?]".
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* [[Knife Nut]]
* [[Laughably Evil]]
* [[Like a Badass Out of Hell]]: He managed to briefly take over Hell after {{spoiler|being killed by Lich, then came back to the land of the living to kill Lich. This eventually backfired on him, as Lich, in turn, took over Hell in his absence and then brought Black Mage back to life... thus demoting him from the position of the all-powerful Hell King back to that of the universe's favouritefavorite [[Chew Toy]].}}
** That said, {{spoiler|1=after Lich manages to bar Black Mage from Hell by getting him stuck on the corporeal plane, a lot of very powerful [[Eldritch Abomination]]s make sure to keep him ''out'' of hell (such that whenever he dies, a [[God of Evil]] sends him right back to the overworld)}}. If Black Mage ever gets back there, which he is still conspiring to do, the universe wouldn't be around for much longer (or it would, but it wouldn't be a nice place to exist). Let's just say this: there is a reason why ''all the legions of Hell'' were terrified of him.
* [[Love Makes You Dumb|Love And Anger Make You Dumb]]: on a good day, he's smarter than Thief. Introduce anger or a proximity to White Mage, and his IQ and sanity will plummet so fast you'll swear you just witnessed it exceeding the speed of light.
* [[Made of Evil]]: He is the closest thing to the [[Anthropomorphic Personification]] of Evil. If he ever gets back down to Hell again, he will fit the bill of [[God of Evil]].
* [[Magic Knight]]: When the plot doesn't require him to be [[Squishy Wizard]], he can be quite competent in physical combat - to the point where it's hard to tell whether he killed more people with his [[Kamehame Hadoken|Hadoken]] or with his [[Knife Nut|knives]]. He even managed to kill [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2005/01/22/episode-506-underappreciated/ a sea monster] and [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2005/04/01/episode-535-something-for-everyone/ at least one], [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2006/09/28/episode-749-murder-by-numbers/ possibly two groups of cultists] with nothing but knives.
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** [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/04/06/episode-404-comic-not-found/ "I call it my 'final solution'. Basically, I'm given a license to kill and it solves all my problems.]
* [[The Necromancer]]
* [[Never Bareheaded]]: He actually does remove his hat once, but it's not shown on screen and the only person who sees it is driven mad fromby the sight.
* [[Nice Hat]]: According to the epilogue it's ''huge'' too.
* [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]: despite how much of a [[Genre Savvy]] [[Deadpan Snarker]] he is, he doesn't realiserealize how a lot of what he does or says immediately throws the minds of everyone around him into speculative horror territory. [[Nightmare Face|His face doesn't help]].
* [[An Adventurer Is You|The Nuker]]
* [[The Odd Couple]]: And no, not in [[Shipping|that]] way (okay, [[Ho Yay|mostly not that way...]]) with Fighter. No matter how many times he attempts to or successfully kills Fighter, they're still together, even three years ''after'' Chaos is defeated ... probably so he can still make Fighter suffer, but it [[The Chew Toy|never works out that way.]]
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* [[The Pig Pen]]: Acknowledged by everyone but the man himself. [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/05/29/episode-288-on-the-way-out/ He insists that the smell is from his spell components].
* [[Ping-Pong Naivete]]: He can be the smartest of the Light Warriors, barely smarter than Fighter ([http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/11/11/episode-481-black-belt-walks-into-a-bar/ if not dumber than Fighter]) or somewhere in between, depending on what makes for a better joke at the moment. In particular, his intelligence seems to rapidly decrease the closer White Mage is to him.
* [[The Plan]]: A [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] one he set up at the Citadel of Ordeals, {{spoiler|where he knew he would have to "face his flaws"; as per the typical physical manifestation of fantasy metaphors, he would therefore have to kill off his evil side. Considering that there was no way in hell he was going to get rid of all of his evil, he managed to rig the situation so that after killing his evil side, he would re-inherent all the evil}}. It's a real pity that he has never attributed so much forethought to plans that could in anywayany way benefit the world.
* [[Played for Laughs]]: His numerous atrocities. Only the fact that they aren't played seriously saves him from being a [[Complete Monster]].
* [[Power At a Price]]: His ''own'' power seems to come at the price of his sanity and morality. However, he isn't opposed to using ''other'' people's lives or sanity to get access to more power. [[Human Sacrifice|Remember how]] [[Powered by a Forsaken Child|he got the]] [[Kamehame Hadoken|Hadoken]]?
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* [[What Is Evil?]]: Discussed via internal monologue [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/05/31/episode-289-a-change-of-heart/ here]. Unfortunately, anger at the stupidity of Fighter tends to have an amnesiac/obliterating/stupefying effect.
* [[Witch Species]]: He's an [[Fantasy Character Classes|Inherent Gift Magician]] whose face is a bastardization of non-euclidian geometry so [[Mind Rape|mind destroying]] that even seeing it drives you insane. This trope ''might'' fit, but then again...
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: He's a nexus for the ley lines in reality and has the ''lowest'' sanity tolerance ever. Being born like this, his incredible power has warped his sanity considerably over the years, making morality seem increasingly irrelevant to him. Having an insane [[Ax Crazy]] maniac running around with the forces of creation at his finger tipsfingertips was probably not the best idea ever.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2007/09/18/episode-895-the-punching-bag/ Lampshaded by Red Mage.]
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** Considering how many times BM stabbed him in the head, I'd say this might've been intentional.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: He lives in different realities most of the time. The brief times he collides with the one everyone else lives in usually combines some [[Department of Redundancy Department|combination]] of [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], [[Too Dumb to Fool]], and [[Too Dumb to Live]]. Also [[Too Dumb to Live|Too Dumb To Die]], apparently. In any case among his usual frolicking in Happy Cloud Land Where [[Vitriolic Best Buds|Black Mage is my friend]], he occasionally dips down to reality with piercing insights, usually resulting in...
* [[The Cuckoolander Was Right]]: Happens more than once. When he's in the [[Talkative Loon|right spatial alignment]]. Clashes heavily with [[Dumbass Has a Point]] and leaves everyone wondering exactly where the line between [[Obfuscating Stupidity]], insanity, and pure idiocy lies. AnyoneDoes needinganyone need a justification?
{{quote|'''Fighter''': Don't ''lie'' to the poor lady, RM. You know exactly who we are and we don't look innocent at all. All I'd trust those two jokers with is a [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|stab in the back]] and [[Omnicidal Maniac|then the throat]]. And you wear '''''[[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|a mask.]]''''' I look okay and seem honest, but as far as she knows, it's an elaborate act. A ruse that works ''so well'' my own friends could never suspect - never ''consider'' - the evil I inflict upon innocents wheresoever we go.<br />
'''Red Mage''': He's just kidding of... of course... }}
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* [[Dumb Is Good]]: His [[Genius Ditz]] moments notwithstanding, he is the dumbest of the Light Warriors. He's also [[Token Good Teammate|the only member of the group who is undeniably and consistently good]].
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Most of the time.
* [[Genius Ditz]]: When it comes to swords, he's an innately talented genius. When it comes to non-sword -related matters, his mind is a vast ocean filled with strange and paradoxical creatures that should never have made it past the design stage of evolution.
** He can also [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/08/05/episode-449-speak-friend-and-enter/ read] [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/08/07/episode-450-knot-my-problem/ Overcomplicatian language] and occasionally shows at least some knowledge of [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/12/04/episode-359-flawless-victories/ mathematics] (correcting Red Mage's mistake from [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/12/02/episode-358-qualifications/ the previous strip]) and [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2005/12/13/episode-634-you-were-right/ physics].
* [[Hard Head]] and [[Use Your Head]]: "[http://www.nuklearpower.com/2002/07/17/episode-174-a-new-vargus-technique/ The main tactic of the Ram Form of Zodiackenshido is to break your opponent's equipment with your head before he breaks your head with his equipment]"
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* [[Does Not Understand Sarcasm]]: "[http://www.nuklearpower.com/2007/01/11/episode-794-the-nuance-of-language/ We're going to have a code. When I stab you in the ear, that means I'm being sarcastic.] ''Got it''?"
* [[Evilutionary Biologist]]: When it comes to Chocobo breeding.
{{quote|All it required was a cocktail of dangerous experimental surgery, and a willingness to ignore the unnessecaryunnecessary suffering of perfectly innocent beings.
Also, I shot magic into their chromosoneschromosomes until they turned inside out, evolution is my bitch. }}
* {{spoiler|[[Fake Memories]]: "[http://www.nuklearpower.com/2004/07/31/episode-447-henry-rollins-wrote-a-song-about-thief/ Plus, Red Mage? You can NOT tell him this, but he's not actually a cross -dresser and he has no daddy issues. I've just been messin' with his head.]"}}
* [[Hero with an F In Good]]
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]
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* [[The Smart Guy]]: Well, sort of...
* [[Strange Minds Think Alike]]: Has several with Garland and a few others.
* [[The Strategist]]: Although most of his plans are somewhat hindered by such minor things as: The Laws Of Physics, Common Sense, Black Mage, Basic Logic, [[Insane Troll Logic|their own brain-breaking insanity]], [[Surrounded by Idiots|the incompetence of his cohorts]], his ''own'' incompetence, Black Mage, a lack of proper equipment, a lack of regard for any kind of rationality, [[Too Dumb to Live|Fighter's stupidity]], his ''own'' [[What an Idiot!|stupidity]], being needlessly overcomplicated to the point of madness, [[Running Gag|Black Mage]], his tenoustenuous grasp on reality, King Steve[[The Long List|...]]
** ...he ''still'' pulls off a good one every now and then. See [[Crazy Enough to Work]].
* [[Why Couldn't You Be Different?]]: [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2003/09/18/episode-331-smoke-signals/ He claims that his father hated him because he wanted to have a daughter rather than son]. This resulted in Red Mage's cross-dressing tendencies. {{spoiler|(But see [[Fake Memories]] above.)}}
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Both he and Red Mage were disgusted by [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2007/07/24/episode-874-silence-implies-consent/ Black Mage's plan] to make White Mage drink what was most likely a paint thinner and then rape her (alive or dead).
* [[Evil Genius]]: Truly deserving of his status as [[Magnificent Bastard]], he can manipulate and swindle anyone into doing anything. For one thing, he [[Kid with the Leash|manages to keep Black Mage on a leash]] (because if he doesn't, Black Mage becomes an uncontrollable [[Eldritch Abomination]] that even terrifies ''the demons from Hell''), and he screwed with Red Mage's head to turn him into a cross-dresser. [[For the Evulz]] of course.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard|Hoist By His Own "Picard"]]: Matoya and Raven use his legal trickery to their advantagesadvantage, {{spoiler|but they end up flogging themselves.}}
* [[Impossible Thief]]: Among other things, he can steal secrets, souls, resolve, childhood memories, and most famously, his ninja class abilities from the future. One of the only things he apparently can't steal are things that are ''both'' nailed down and on fire.
* [[Jerkass]]