• Dawson Casting: Downplayed with Mena Suvari, was about 19 or 20 at the time playing the teenage Angela. Averted by Thora Birch, who really was 16, meaning that for her brief topless scene her parents and child labor representatives were on the set for the shooting.
  • Dyeing for Your Art: Kevin Spacey actually did bulk up that much.
  • Enforced Method Acting / Throw It In: Spacey was only supposed to drop the plate in the dinner scene, but he wasn't getting the right reaction, so after a few takes, he threw the plate against the wall as hard as he could.
    • The scene where Lester attacks Carolyn's feet with a remote control car was also unscripted, and Annette Bening's surprise and annoyance are a real reaction.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Hey, its Dr. Sam Beckett/Captain Jonathan Archer as one of the two Jims!
    • Also: Oh my God, what happened to C. J. Cregg that she can't speak and barely gets out of the house?
    • Man, after John LaRoche joined the military, he became a real douche.
    • Conklin could really hide the UST going with Jason.
    • And hang on, it's that crazy serial killer who got shot at the end... again?
    • Blink-and-you'll-miss-it, but that really was Mr. Sulu from the 2009 Star Trek reboot as the guy in the first couple being led through the show house by Carolyn.
    • And whoda thunk Lester's new fast food co-worker would go on to become a Tony Award winner?
  • What Could Have Been: The screenwriter, Alan Ball, originally wrote American Beauty for the stage, and in early drafts of the script, there was a prologue and epilogue in which Ricky and Jane are framed for and convicted of Lester's murder.
    • Chevy Chase and Jeff Daniels were two initial choices for the role of Lester.
    • Terry Gilliam also turned down the offer to direct this movie.