Asura's Wrath/Headscratchers

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Revision as of 03:14, 10 March 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (trope=>work)

  • How does Liam O'Brien do all this raspy screaming? I remember Vic Mignogna said he got throat pains if he did too much raspy screaming as Broly in one day. Here, O'Brien is doing this sort of voice as the protagonist, and as far as I know, he doesn't normally do roles with this much screaming. How does his throat not give up along the way?
    • Answer: It probably does. More than once. We just get to hear the good stuff.
    • He's mentioned on Facebook how the job is hell on his throat but evidently worth it to just ham it up.

 "Still regenerating the blood I sprayed from my larynx on this game, but the Hindu god of wrath demands sacrifice."

  • This may be a coincidence, but how in hell's name can the Vlitra Core have the same shape and form as Berserker Asura!? The Gohma were created by that Golden Spider thing, so there's no way that the Vlitra Core can be anyway related towards Asura, what did it record his DNA from the last battle or something? Can someone explain what the hell is going on!?
    • Why couldn't it? The Golden Spider could have deliberately shaped the Vlitra Core to resemble Asura's Berserker Form.
    • There doesn't have to be very much connection. Asura got pissed, Asura turned into a magma monster. The Earth get's pissed, the earth manifests as a magma monster. It's just to show that they're similarly pissed. As in, at the very heights of being pissed. (And the golden spider could do any number of things to make it that way, regardless).
    • Technically, Vlitra was an asura in hinduism mythology.
  • What will happen if a technopath or ferrokinetic is used against Asura?
    • What do you expect? They can scoot his body around how they want until Asura gets pissed. At which point I think we all know what'll happen.
    • His arms will get teared off but they still have his head and feet to worry about.
  • Why is it that several characters (particularly Asura) was shown flying repeatedly but in multiple situations they just seemingly forget to use said ability?
    • It's likely they only use their aura to allow themselves to move in space, and actually can't use true flight with a couple of exceptions (Deus and Olga in the true ending come to mind).
    • Flight only really happens when the character needs to fly. Most of the time, Asura sticks to moving on foot because he's trying to punch someone/something in the face/protect someone, and flying doesn't help him much. Flight probably also draws on their power more than running, so demigods try to avoid flying when possible. See: Asura and Yasha using Yasha's corvette to take on the Karmic Fortress instead of just flying there themselves.
    • Asura doesn't really seem to fly, so much as jump really high and far, or make a controlled fall from an extreme height. He probably just prefers movement that he has better control over.
  • Episode 15.5. Okay, Yasha used the same punch he used to subdue Wrath Asura, yet Deus was able to take said punch without flinching. The funny thing is that Asura with a weaker transformation, Vajra Asura, was actually able to knock him out cold. What gives?
    • Deus, at that point, was still at full strength. He hadn't spent most of two chapters getting endlessly punched in the face by Yasha and Asura.
    • That is pretty much the case. By that point, Deus has been through at least five consecutive battles with Yasha and Asura, and Asura kept on getting more pissed off with Deus, and kept on growing stronger as a result. By the end of the battle, that last punch was the strongest blow Asura could deal to Deus, and it was the fatal blow.
    • However the real reason it did'nt work on Deus was resolve. Asura and Deus had strong resolves and Yasha had it temorarly in episode 15 but in 15.5 it was uncertain and shaky.
    • Had a bit of Fridge Brilliance when I realized the real answer. Deus' Mantra Affinity is Pride. The greater his personal pride, the greater the amount of Mantra he can draw upon. If you're throwing punches at him that are just bouncing off, that's just going to make him stronger, but blows that connect and hurt him are going to wound that pride and weaken him. Only with their combined effort could Asura and Yasha land hits that really hurt Deus, and wounded his pride enough to weaken him and force him to retreat. Then on the Karma Fortress they had to do it all over again, beating on him and surviving his counters until his pride was weakened enough that Asura could gain the upper hand.
  • Why is Asura just called "Asura"? Granted, he could grow extra arms, but its kind of awkward to be born being named after a cruel and deadly race despite a being a (ironically) kind person.
    • That was either a coincidence or just simply a title given to user of Wrath.
    • Gosh, why would the name of the traitor demigod who has been reviled for 12,500 years come to mean "demon"?
  • Why doesn't Mithra look anything like Asura, when she's his daughter?
    • You do know that children can look wildly different from one of their parents in real life, right? Mithra takes more after her mother than her father. Also, remember that Demigods are superpowered cyborgs who can build doom fortresses the size of planets and sprout extra arms through raw anger, on top of other, equally insane things. They can alter their appearances if they want to.
  • So are the demigods supposed to be androids? The Shinkoku soldiers sound like robots and look kind of like them, but never seem to be referred to as such, while the higher demigods have sparking wires revealed when they get cut and and bleed the same orange blood as the Shinkoku soldiers. But again, never referred to as being artifical in nature, and even have children.
    • The demigods are cyborgs of some odd type. They're sufficiently advanced to the point that what's biological, technological, and outright magical is extremely blurry.
  • I wonder what the Hot Spring girls look like under their veils...
    • Check the bonus art if you have unlocked it. They're there.
  • How do Asura's arms regenerate? They get torn off at least twice on occasion (not counting his four spare ones) but they either came back because his body reconfigured after death or he achieved Wrath Mode. Then after the battle against Kalrow he awakes in Augus' hot spring and finds his arms back to normal.
    • Whenever his arms come back it's after he either goes into his Wrath/Berzerker forms or comes back from the dead, because both of those need him to be extremely angry and his Mantra is Wrath, it's probable that said anger gives him enough Mantra to solidify it into new arms, if he can grow six at a time, why can't he fix two of them? That explains why he gets more powerful when he's angry as well, the more rage he has the more Wrath Mantra is made in the area around him that he can use.
  • This might be me here but is the game running on a bit of a Broken Aesop? We're supposed to accept that the 7 deities were wrong for harvesting the souls of gaea to provide mantra for the Brahmastra to use against Vlitra and the Gohma, which would be fine, except the only reason Asura is able to win against Vlitra at the end is because Mithra uses the remaining mantra to fire a beam at Vlitra to give an opening for Asura to charge in. So were the deities actually kind of right the whole time?
    • The use of the Mantra in and of itself was not bad. It was the methodology used to obtain it. The Shinkoku were running off of Mantra supplied via prayer prior to Deus' takeover, and the firepower provided by the Brahmastra was sufficient to control Vlitra. But Deus wanted to destroy Vlitra, which required a great deal more, so the Seven Deities set about harvesting mortal souls to power it. That was the bad part of it. Keep in mind also that the game is deliberately running on Gray and Grey Morality to begin with; the Seven believed that their method was necessary to save the world, which Yasha pointed out to Asura in their first fight, and as the events of the game show, they worked. So in an extreme, brutal, utilitarian way, the Seven were right. We have some tropes for that. That doesn't make the Seven morally correct in essentially perpetuating a brutal harvesting of humanity for twelve thousand years, and Asura's biggest objections to the Seven are the unnecessary cruelty of their methods. Keep in mind also that the original prayer-powered Brahmastra could have done the same thing as the current soul-powered one did in the final battle, as 75% of the Mantra assembled over the twelve thousand years was expended by Olga against Asura (after Wyzen wasted quite a bit as well against Asura) and then Asura and Yasha's rampage through the Karmic Fortress' core did a lot more damage to the Mantra stores. But what was left as enough for Mithra to blast open Vlitra to let them reach the core.
      Also keep in mind that the Seven were not just gathering Mantra to power the Brahmastra, they were gathering it to empower themselves, individually, and let them rule as all-powerful gods over the mortals they were supposed to be protecting. And of the Seven, only Yasha, Augus, and possibly Deus were the ones who took that power only to defend Gaea, as the rest used that Mantra power to further boost themselves for their own sake.
      • You can scratch Augus. Remember that he did'nt use it at all.
    • Incorrect. Mithra did not fire a beam at Gohma Vlitra. She used the collected Mantra to empower Asura and turn him into Mantra Asura. It was essentially a much more powerful version of what she did at the start of the game. The only real difference was the volume of Mantra being used, and how enraged Asura was.
    • Though mentioned throughout the rest of the game, Episode 15.5 really gets into this. Deus believed that his method was the only way to save the world. Being a Well-Intentioned Extremist/Knight Templar, he decided that the only possible option to destroy Vlitra was to use the souls of trillions of humans, and Yasha went along with him because he decided that this was preferable to eternal war. When Yasha witnesses Asura's power, he decides that Asura can destroy Vlitra instead of using the Brahmastra cannon, and confronts Deus about it in 15.5. Deus explains that he thought of countless other options beyond massacring trillions of humans, but he saw no other option. And the crazy thing is, he may have been right about it. The Brahmastra might have been able to kill Vlitra. We'll never know, thanks to Olga's terminal stupidity in using the Brahmastra against Asura. But the game leaves whether or not using the Brahmastra on Vlitra would work as an ambiguous question. Deus' method was the more brutal one, but it might have worked and was the only option he could see. Ironically, if it had worked as planned, Deus would have been Chakravartin's chosen heir and likely would have accepted the power he offered.
      • Don't be to sure. According to some of Dues' lines in one of the interludes he planned to resign from his god status when all of this was over. Althouth if it meant keeping Gaea safe from Chakravartin then maybe he would have accepted.
  • Why didn't Yasha just ride his Lone Wolf vehicle during Episode 13?
    • Didn't appear to be readily available from where he was, and might have taken too long to get to him. He needed to get to the cannon immediately.
    • Also, the Lone Wolf would be very exposed, and running along the interior of the Karma Fortress would keep Yasha from being exposed to the combined firepower of the entire fleet. If he'd just lifted off and flown there, the fleet would have shot him down. He needed Asura's help to actually break through the fleet, as by himself he likely would have been overwhelmed.
  • The final ending of the series showed that people still remembered Asura and made statues of him across a city. Which raises the question, HOW IN THE SEVEN HELLS CAN AN ENTIRE RACE REMEMBER SOMEONE FROM 870,000,000 YEARS AGO!!?
    • When you parry a planet-destroying superlaser fired by God, who is the size of several thousand galaxies, using only your bare chest, you leave a goddamn impression. That being said, if these characters are getting reincarnated with mortal lives, they may have been repeatedly reincarnated over the millions of years, with each successive reincarnation of Asura doing something awesomely heroic and furious, to the point that Asura's likeness itself is ingrained in the collective memory of mankind.