In General

  • Dawson Casting: Marty, Lorraine, George, Biff, Jennifer, etc. Makes some sense in Lorraine, George, and Biff's cases, since in the first movie they had to play both their teenage selves and their adult selves.
    • Initially, not so much the case with Jennifer, who was played by 19-year old Claudia Wells in the first film, but then played by 26-year old Elizabeth Shue in the Sequels and that wig she wore to make her resemble Lea Thompson made her look every bit her age.
    • Also Doc, to stretch the trope a little. They had him get plastic surgery in the future for II so they could stop giving him wrinkle makeup. Doc's a weird case, as Christoper Lloyd was both older than his 1955 self and younger than his 1985 self in the movie.
  • Executive Meddling: Basically, this is the whole reason why the sequels exist in the first place - but Sid Sheinberg had insisted on certain changes to be made in the first movie.
    • One of Sid Sheinberg's changes, from "Professor Brown" to "Doc Brown" has become integral in Back to The Future culture. (Just how much so is suggested by Michael J. Fox's repeated bloopers in filming The Frighteners: he called the Judge character "Doc".)
    • Cost considerations forced a complete change in the tactic to return to 1985 in Part I, from powered by a nuclear test explosion to powered by the lightning bolt. By all accounts, it was a major improvement.
  • Fake American: Marty McFly -- Michael J. Fox is actually Canadian.
  • Hey, It's That Place!: Courthouse Square, on the Universal Backlot, has been in dozens of productions.