Beware the Nice Ones/Live-Action TV: Difference between revisions

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** Charlie counts as well. He and Hurley tie for Friendliest Survivor, but if you do ''anything'' to hurt Claire, Charlie will cut you down in cold blood.
** And while we're on the subject, Hurley himself. Generally treated as [[Big Fun|a big cuddly teddy bear]] at best or [[The Load]] at worst by the other castaways, he has shown himself capable of delivering a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] to Sawyer (while screaming every unkind nickname Sawyer ever threw at him) and mowing down a bunch of Dharma thugs with his Winnebago van.
* Spock in ''[[Star Trek: TOSThe Original Series]]''. Generally a pacifist, but the very few times he loses his temper make it blatantly obvious ''why'' Vulcans keep such strong control over their emotions. And that's not even mentioning the times when something threatens Kirk and the pacifist Vulcan becomes rapidly ''un''pacifist.
** A key example would be ''Devil in the Dark'' where Spock went out of his way to try to protect the creature that was sabotaging the mine station and killing the miners. Once Kirk was facing the creature, though, Spock was about ready to murder it himself! {{spoiler|Thankfully it turns out the [[Monster Is a Mommy|creature was just trying to protect her eggs]] and it all works out for the best.}}
* Blair Sandburg in ''[[The Sentinel (TV series)|The Sentinel]].'' Anthropology grad student, raised by a mother who could be described as "the last flower child not gone to seed" -- but threaten (or even worse, ''hurt'') Jim and you'll wish you had left matters well enough alone.
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* In ''[[Blue Bloods]]'', Jamie and Eddie are the nicest, sweetest, cutest cop couple you can believe and are always doing things like rescuing babies, [[Pet the Dog|petting puppy dogs,]] and helping people in distress. They both each have at least one kill on their record, and can rough up resistant perps with the best of them.
[[Category:Live Action TV]]