Blessed Are the Cheesemakers/Quotes
"Arrrrrgh!" screams lactose-intolerant Vincent Goth, a member of the public safety board, as incoming rounds of mature gouda smash the windows and claim the suits of several nearby advisors. "As I've been saying for many years now, cheese is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands and should be outlawed. Ban all cheese now, and enforce it!"
I want to buy some CHEESE!
—The Cheese Shop Sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus
Wonderful, time for a celebration! Cheese for everyone!
—Sheogorath, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
I wouldn't take Gil if you stripped him naked and dipped him in cheese!
—Agatha Heterodyne, Girl Genius
Apparently the 2 most significant historical events here in Boatmurdered are elephants and cheese. Take a close look at the cheese ones actually, they aren't even carvings of cheese, but renditions of some other image of a cheese. They're freaking homages!
Cheeeeese, Gromit!
—Wallace, Wallace and Gromit