• Dawson Casting:
    • 37 year old Stephen Graham as 21 year old Al Capone.
    • Also, 30-year-old Michael Pitt as 23-year-old Jimmy Darmody.
    • Anatol Yusef as Meyer Lansky. No way is he 18.
    • 62 year-old Greg Antonacci as 38 year-old Johnny Torrio.
  • Fake Nationality:
    • The very German Eddie Kessler is played by an American actor, Anthony Laciura. The casting crew was in fact surprised when they learned that Laciura, who had made his entire introduction in a German accent, was actually an Italian-American from the Bronx.
    • Fake American: Englishmen Stephen Graham, Anatol Yusef and Jack Huston as Al Capone, Meyer Lansky and Richard Harrow, respectively.
    • Fake Irish: Scottish Kelly Macdonald and Englishman Charlie Cox as Margaret Rohan Schroeder and Owen Sleater. Also, Scot Tony Curran as Margaret's brother Eamon. Irish-American Nucky Thompson is played by Italian-American Steve Buscemi who is of half Irish descent.
    • Also, the French Isabelle Jeunet is played by Swiss actress Anna Katarina.
    • Washington-born Jeffrey Wright plays Trinidarian gangster Valentin Narcisse.
  • The Other Darrin: The role of Will, Eli's oldest son, was recast for Season 4. The first actor (Kevin Csolak) has blonde, straight hair; the second actor (Ben Rosenfield) has red, curly hair. The fact that his brothers have been consistently cast only highlights it.
  • Playing Against Type:
    • While Steve Buscemi is no stranger to playing criminals, he's usually cast as weaselly supporting characters rather than the suave man in charge.
    • Michael Stuhlbarg, best known up to this point for playing Larry Gopnik in A Serious Man, now plays Arnold Rothstein, a ruthless mobster.
    • Perennial bed-wetter Michael Pitt as certified hard-ass Jimmy Darmody.
    • Jim True-Frost as the most famous no-nonsense cop in history Eliot Ness is hilarious to anyone who remembers him as the perpetual screw-up Roland Pryzbylewski on The Wire.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The first casting calls for Season 1 called for the introduction in the season finale of "Declan", Margaret's long estranged brother who was now linked to the IRA. Instead, Season 2 divided this character and introduced separately Margaret's brother Eamonn, a Brooklyn subway-digger with no interest in politics, and Owen, an IRA enforcer completely unrelated to Margaret.
    • Aleksa Palladino revealed in an interview that one considered plot line for the third season involved Angela and Jimmy moving to NYC, and Angela meeting a female activist that would introduce her to Anarchism.
    • The first casting calls for Al Capone's brothers Frank and Ralph came out in Season 2, but Domenick Lombardozzi (seen in The Wire and Entourage) was confirmed as Ralph only in Season 4. In Season 2, Al mentions that he is going to Brooklyn to take his brothers and bring them to Chicago.