Boldly Coming/Playing With

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Basic Trope: A man has sex with an alien.

  • Played Straight: Bob has sex with Meteora.
  • Exaggerated: Meteora is more of a Starfish Alien with Bizarre Alien Biology than a Green-Skinned Space Babe.
  • Inverted: An alien has sex with Alice, not Bob.
  • Justified: Bob and Meteora are attracted to one another, and one thing leads to another.
  • Subverted: Bob thinks Meteora is hot, but doesn't act on it.
  • Double Subverted: Until she starts coming onto him, and soon enough they hook up.
  • Deconstructed: Bob and Meteora could give each other all kinds of nasty sexually transmitted diseases (or even diseases in general) that neither species is used to, causing its demise. And there might be some...mechanical issues, depending on Meteora's Bizarre Alien Biology. Also, they could be seen as traitors to their species, and who said this sex was necessarily even consensual?
  • Reconstructed: Bob and Meteora either control their sexual urges, or take precautions (i.e. Bob wears a condom) when acting on them.
  • Parodied: Meteora gets pregnant with a Half-Human Hybrid, and expects Bob to pay child support (or marry her), even though he doesn't even know where her home planet is.
  • Lampshaded: "So, I hear you did an alien was it? Was she hot?"
  • Averted: Bob doesn't have sex with Meteora
  • Enforced: All Men Are Perverts, All Women Are Lustful
  • Invoked: Meteora's spaceship crashes on Planet Earth, and Bob rescues her unharmed from the wreckage and falls in love with her.
  • Defied: Meteora (or Bob, or both) has reservations about having sex with a stranger (especially one of a different species) and/or is already Happily Married back home.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed:
  • Played For Laughs: Meteora is one of the Little Green Men.
  • Played For Drama: Meteora rapes Bob, or vice versa

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