Canon Discontinuity/Toys

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Examples of Canon Discontinuity in Toys include:

  • A couple of things from the Bionicle storyline:
    • The Toa Mata's fight with their Shadow Toa clones from the first book is now considered non-canon. Word of God says he prefers his own version, in which the Toa defeat their own clones, rather than each-other's.
      • This isn't the only instance of the official novels' content being ignored in favor of another variation of the same scene. Take the Toa's climatic first battle against the Makuta and the fight against the Manas crabs that lead up to it. In the very first book, Tale of the Toa, the Toa in their Kaita mode defeat two Manas using trickery and their own Elemental Powers. In the Mata Nui On-Line Game, they defeat a horde of Manas by spectacularly destroying their energy towers. Then, still in the game, they go on to participate in an epic clash with the Makuta. In the book, they just walk out of the cave after dealing with the Manas, and Makuta never appears. Guess which is canon nowadays?
    • The introduction of the movie The Legend Reborn. It has so many things that clash with the storyline's continuity, whether established previously or afterwards, they simply chose to ignore it. That is not to say the events themselves didn't happen. They just happened in a way that contradicts the movie's visuals (like Mata Nui's island is shown being covered with lush jungles when according to canon, it was a barren wasteland).
    • A couple of things from the on-line clips and the first movie trilogy also get ignored, most infamously the shipping scenes, as there came to be a No Hugging, No Kissing rule.
    • Taxi crabs were also considered dis-canonized for years because the writer didn't like the joke. They have slowly drifted back into canon territory, though.

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