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* In the ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' episode "11001001", the Bynars, a cybernetic and mildly hive-minded Federation species whose "[[Planet of Hats|hat]]" is binary thinking, seize control of the ''Enterprise'' in order to save their planetary database, tricking most of the crew into evacuating the ship and then trapping Picard and Riker in the holodeck. When Picard learns about their predicament and asks why they didn't just ask for help, they explain "you might have said no". Riker observes that, as the Bynars [[Straw Vulcan|only think in all-or-nothing absolutes]], the mere possibility of being turned down seemed as bad as a certainty to them.
* In the ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' episode "11001001", the Bynars, a cybernetic and mildly hive-minded Federation species whose "[[Planet of Hats|hat]]" is binary thinking, seize control of the ''Enterprise'' in order to save their planetary database, tricking most of the crew into evacuating the ship and then trapping Picard and Riker in the holodeck. When Picard learns about their predicament and asks why they didn't just ask for help, they explain "you might have said no". Riker observes that, as the Bynars [[Straw Vulcan|only think in all-or-nothing absolutes]], the mere possibility of being turned down seemed as bad as a certainty to them.
* The ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' episode "The Ship" has this trope as its main premise. The main characters (and several [[Red Shirt]] characters) capture a Dominion battleship. The rest of the episode involves the Dominion trying to capture the ship by surrounding it leading to many deaths on both sides. In the end it is revealed {{spoiler|that the Dominion were only interested in rescuing a founder who dies during the siege. They would have gladly given the ship to the heroes in exchange for the founder, but they were too afraid that the heroes would kill it to ask}}. The episode ends with the characters lamenting the fact that all of these people died unnecessary deaths because they wouldn't trust each other.
* The ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' episode "The Ship" has this trope as its main premise. The main characters (and several [[Red Shirt]] characters) capture a Dominion battleship. The rest of the episode involves the Dominion trying to capture the ship by surrounding it leading to many deaths on both sides. In the end it is revealed {{spoiler|that the Dominion were only interested in rescuing a founder who dies during the siege. They would have gladly given the ship to the heroes in exchange for the founder, but they were too afraid that the heroes would kill it to ask}}. The episode ends with the characters lamenting the fact that all of these people died unnecessary deaths because they wouldn't trust each other.
* In the ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]'' episode "Innocence", the Drayans could have saved the crew a ''lot'' of trouble had they told the crew that [[Merlin Sickness|they were a species who aged in reverse]], something they really had no reason to keep a secret and caused the crew to mistake the elders of the race as children. Did give a pretty good [[A Day In The Limelight|Day in the Limelight]] for Tuvok, though.
* The ''[[Doctor Who]]'' serial ''The Two Doctors'' could have been avoided... ''why did Dastari turn the Second Doctor into an Androgum???''
* The ''[[Doctor Who]]'' serial ''The Two Doctors'' could have been avoided... ''why did Dastari turn the Second Doctor into an Androgum???''
** The root of the conflict was actually Dastari's compatriots and their time travel research, and the Doctor's having been sent as a deniable agent by Gallifrey to stop that. Dastari was offended that the Time Lords would stoop to sabotage to try and maintain a monopoly (of course, the situation is actually more complex than that but that's how Dastari saw it), and so they came into conflict. The 'turning the Second Doctor into an Androgum' was an attempt by Dastari to resolve the conflict ''without'' killing the Doctor, something he didn't want to do (the man used to be a friend) and also was reluctant to do for practical reasons (the Doctor is the ''least'' homicidal "deniable shadow operative" the Time Lords could possibly send -- killing him only guarantees that the next Time Lord renegade they subcontract this job to will be someone like the Master or the Rani).
** The root of the conflict was actually Dastari's compatriots and their time travel research, and the Doctor's having been sent as a deniable agent by Gallifrey to stop that. Dastari was offended that the Time Lords would stoop to sabotage to try and maintain a monopoly (of course, the situation is actually more complex than that but that's how Dastari saw it), and so they came into conflict. The 'turning the Second Doctor into an Androgum' was an attempt by Dastari to resolve the conflict ''without'' killing the Doctor, something he didn't want to do (the man used to be a friend) and also was reluctant to do for practical reasons (the Doctor is the ''least'' homicidal "deniable shadow operative" the Time Lords could possibly send -- killing him only guarantees that the next Time Lord renegade they subcontract this job to will be someone like the Master or the Rani).