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These things about Cuphead are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.

  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • Thanks to having no dialogue aside from a handful of game over quotes, the Debtors' personalities are rife for speculation. How many of them knowingly made their deals with the Devil? How many of them did so accidentally? Are they evil, or decent people trapped in a bad situation? And what did they hope to gain from their deals in the first place?
    • Did the Devil simply sit back and let Cuphead's greed screw himself and Mugman over, or did he rig his dice roll? After all, this is the Devil that we're talking about.
  • Breather Boss: Interestingly, Inkwell Island 3's got a decent amount of these despite being the second-to-last major location in the game, probably as a way to balance out the presence of some of the game's hardest bosses. Werner Werman, Sally Stageplay, and Captain Brineybeard don't have much in the way of Bullet Hell, and employ attacks that are easier to read and react to than many midgame bosses. While they still put up a decent fight (and Brineybeard can be tricky if you struggle to keep his barrel out of the way), chances are you'll beat them with only a few deaths to your name, and it's not uncommon for new players to clear them on their first try.
  • Demonic Spiders:
    • The shrimps at the end of Perilous Pier attack in swarms, and fly at you in arcs that make it hard to shoot them down. Dodging isn't much easier because you don't have much room to move around on the head of the octopus you're riding, and the oyster behind you is constantly pelting you with attacks of its own.
    • The stone lions in Rugged Ridge are one of the biggest obstacles you'll gave if you're trying to get an A+ rank. Killing them isn't hard, but it is time consuming, and taking your time to kill every single lion you run into will cause you to miss the timeframe needed to get that perfect score. Ideally you want to avoid them, but their massive size makes it nearly impossible to safely jump over them or phase through them with Smoke Bomb.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • King Dice, full stop. His catchy theme song, simplistic yet cool character design, and unique boss fight make him a very memorable foe, and it helps that he's one of very few opponents to have extensive dialogue to properly characterize him with.
    • Cagney Carnation was one of the very first bosses shown off during the game's prerelease period, and his cute yet creepy design made him something of a fandom darling near-instantly.
    • Grim Matchstick, for being one of the game's best examples of Badass Adorable. His tubby physique and shy demeanor make him lovable from the get-go, and his relentless fire attacks make him an opponent to be feared and respected. Frustrating as fighting him may be, he's far too much of a lovable cuddlebug for fans to hate.
    • Cala Maria. What's not to love about a gigantic, attractive flirt of a mermaid? Another point in her favor is her Adorkable reactions to things going badly over the course of her boss fight.
  • Game Breaker:
    • The Smoke Bomb is practically the only charm you need, because the invincibility it grants you makes it a lifesaver against massive attacks that can otherwise only be dodged in certain specific ways.
    • The charms that give you extra hearts make it a lot easier to survive the game's Run 'n Gun stages and obtain that goddamned P Rank. While using them will weaken your attacks, it doesn't matter when you aren't allowed to kill anything to begin with.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: While you'll probably never visit a casino ran by the Devil himself, you can still learn a thing or two from Cuphead and Mugman's situation. Namely that gambling is a hell of an addicting vice, and it can and will ruin your life.

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