Dead Like Me/Fanfic Recs

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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Dead Like Me fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in The Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Page Reconfiguration in Progress: Fan Fic Recommendations is being split into pages for each individual series, so help is needed to classify each entry into the appropiate category, and to format it according to the template.

Authors and Websites

None yet.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Dead Like Bleach by glainfach (Bleach Crossover)

  • Recommended by Akatsuki Daybreak
  • Synopsis: George from Dead Like Me is transferred to Karakura Town to work under Kisuke Urahara.
  • Comments: Fantastic read with amazing characterization. Author claims it's in progress, but it hasn't progressed in over a year, so it's probably a Dead Fic.

Having A Lousy Time, Wish You Were Dead by murinae and aishuu (Death Note Crossover)

Reaping the Whirlwind (Boom Boom Ba Remix) By liz_marcs (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crossover)

  • Recommended by Jackalyn
  • Synopsis: George is now the boss and has to deal with new reaper Dawn.
  • Comments: Better than it sounds, with great characterization and character development. There's some George/Xander but it doesn't take center stage.
    • Seconded by Anonymous Apathy - this story is amazing. Not only is the characterization spot-on, but the narration really manages to find that quirky, hopeful, philosophical tone of the series. A great read.
    • Thirded by You Dont Know Me. This is the type of quality ending that DLM deserved. Forgetting the crossover part (which is also very well done), this story presents a very believable, somewhat matured George, and continues on many of the same themes that made the TV series so good. The writing is solid (aside from a couple of omitted/repeated words), and the characterization is spot on. I could almost hear Ellen Muth's Georgia Lass in my head. The author also does a great job of portraying the subtleties of Mason's and Daisy's characters, and everyone's relationships. The plot is well thought out, and the pacing very smooth. This fic may have ruined all future DLM fan fiction. It's just that good (and I'm usually not one to shower praise).

When a Grim Reaper Calls by cjulina. (Torchwood Crossover)

  • Recommended by HG131
  • Synopsis: Jack Harkness, after dying 9 times in a row in a few minutes, gets a visit from Rube. What follows is awesome, funny, and ironic.
  • Comments: If you're a fan of Dead Like Me and Torchwood, you'll love this crossover.
    • More for the Torchwood Fan than Dead Like Me fan. Sacrifices what could have been a good story to glorify Jack. -Jackalyn

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

None yet.