Dracula AD 1972 is a horror film from Hammer, and is third-to-last in their Dracula series.

Witness the true horror of the film: The Seventies!

The film opens with Dracula (Christopher Lee) and Van Helsing (Peter Cushing) fighting in 1872, which ends with both of them dead. One of Dracula's servants scoops up Count's ashes and buries them near a church during his rival's funeral. 100 years later, descendant of that servant convinces a bunch of youths to stage a satanic ritual. This resurrects Dracula, who then starts preying on the modern times.

The seventies setting is revisited in the sequel The Satanic Rites of Dracula, which would be the last film to feature Christopher Lee as Count Dracula.

Tropes used in Dracula A.D. 1972 include:
  • Alucard: Johnny's surname, which marks him a servant of Dracula.
  • Annual Title
  • Badass Grandpa : Seventies-Era Van Helsing. Despite pushing sixty and sporting a nasty arm wound, he marches off to face Dracula in his home territory armed with little more than a cross. Alone. And he kicks ass.
    • He's possibly even more Badass than his ancestor considering he doesn't even have any experience fighting vampires; he's only read about them in books, and is doing it all for the first time.
  • Britain Is Only London
  • Disturbed Doves: Seen in the climax.
  • Fainting: Jessica faints when Johnny and recently vampirized Bob capture her.
  • Hollywood Satanism: Johnny tricks his friends to do a satanic ritual to resurrct Dracula.
  • Identical Grandson: Both Van Helsing and Johnny Alucard are identical to their grandparents.
  • Kill It with Water: Vampires in these films can be killed with running water. This leads to a rather undignified death for vampirized Johnny when he is killed by a shower.
  • Kiss of the Vampire
  • Kubrick Stare: Dracula gives one to Dracula during their climactic confrontation.
  • Mutual Kill
  • No Immortal Inertia: Done twice with Dracula in the opening and ending.
  • The Seventies: Revels in it.

Rest in final peace