Fantasy High

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Fantasy High is the Web Original first 5e Dungeons & Dragons campaign of Dimension 20. It follows six teenagers starting their adventuring career at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy, who team up after ending up in detention together. The player characters (known collectively as the Bad Kids) are:

  • Fabian Aramaris Seacaster: Half-elf fighter/bard. Played by Lou Wilson.
  • Gorgug Thistlespring: Half-orc barbarian/artificer. Played by Zac Oyama.
  • Figueroth "Fig" Faeth: Tiefling bard/warlock. Played by Emily Axford.
  • Kristen Applebees: Life domain cleric who worships Helio and Sol before becoming a Twilight Cleric of Cassandra. Played by Ally Beardsley.
  • Riz "The Ball" Gukgak: Goblin rogue (Inquisitive) investigator. Played by Brian "Murph" Murphy.
  • Adaine Abernant: High elf divinatory wizard. Played by Siobhan Thompson.
Fantasy High title card.

There are two seasons: Freshman Year, where the PCs group up to solve the mystery of missing girls around Elmville; and Sophomore Year, where they are sent on a spring break assignment to retrieve the crown of the Nightmare King. There are also three self-contained oneshots. The campaigns and oneshots can be viewed on Dropout (subscription required).

Tropes used in Fantasy High include:

  • Abusive Parents: In Sophomore Year, Angwyn was ready to modify Adaine's personality and forced her older sister to invade her thoughts.
  • Alpha Bitch: Penelope Everpetal and Aelwyn Abernant in Freshman Year.
  • Big Bad Evil Guy:
    • Freshman Year: Kalvaxus, who had been assuming the role of Vice-Principal Goldenhoard.
    • Sophomore Year: the Nightmare King.
  • Disappeared Dad: Three PCs have this problem:
    • Fig, whose biological father turns out to be Gorthalax the Insatiable, a pit fiend who ruled over the Bottomless Pit.
    • Gorgug, who spends the entirety of Freshman Year assuming random NPCs might be his dad. He eventually meets him as a musician hired to play at the prom.
    • Riz, whose father was killed by Kalvaxus.
  • Doting Parent: Gorgug's adoptive parents the Thistlesprings.
  • The Dragon: Kalina to the Nightmare King.
  • Face Your Fears: In order to get to where the Nightmare King is being resurrected, the Bad Kids have to head in the direction of what fears them most.
  • Heel Face Turn:
    • Ragh Barkrock
    • Aelwyn Abernant
  • Jerk Jock: Ragh Barkrock
  • Manly Gay: Ragh Barkrock
  • Parental Favoritism: Adaine's parents treat Aelwyn as the golden child.
  • Parental Neglect: Adaine's parents treat her coldly as she did not live up to her expectations.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Jawbone's incredibly questionable past helps the Bad Kids with some of their problems.
  • Running Gag: Gorgug and his poor Insight rolls lead to many awkward moments of asking NPCs (and at one point himself) if they're his dad.
  • Where Did We Go Wrong?: Kristen's relationship with her parents sours when she starts questioning her faith in Helio and wants to study other religions.
  • X Meets Y: D&D meets The Breakfast Club.