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("fanfic" -> "fan works")
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[[File:mrfreeze.png|link=Batman and Robin (film)|frame|Tremble before my bathrobe [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|of DOOM!]] Or else I'll [[Pungeon Master|kick some ice]]! ]]
{{quote|''"Just whose idea was it to have this evil general running around wearing ''neon blue lipstick''? It's hard to look like a militaristic badass when you look like you just escaped from a production of ''Cabaret''! I kept wondering if his D&D alignment was [[Depraved Homosexual|Chaotic Fabulous!"]]''|'''[ Scott Foy]''' on ''[[Dungeons & Dragons (film)||Dungeons and Dragons]]'' ([[The Movie]])}}
|'''[ Scott Foy]''' on ''[[Dungeons & Dragons (film)|Dungeons and Dragons]]'' ([[The Movie]])}}
The heroes have had it. They've been captured and tied up, and can only watch mutely and impotently as the [[Evil Overlord]]'s final plans unfold. The large, oversized doors at the far end of his cavernous control room swing open, and in walks the [[Big Bad]] himself in an ominous swirl of purple fog...
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== ComicsComic Books ==
* [ This flash animation] gives us [[Marvel]]'s less than stellar choices in villainous fashions. At least Galactus has an excuse.
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*** They fixed that in ''[[Ultimate Spider-Man]]'' where he loses the fishbowl and instead just has a vaguely head-shaped cloud of fog drifting above the metal device he wears around his shoulders. It's actually rather creepy but still, the beads he wears around his left hand look kind of silly.
*** He's [[Zero Punctuation|been described]] as having been dressed by the [[Camp Gay|Liberace]] [[Space Clothes|Space Program]].
* A rather unknown (for a reason) Marvel comic called ''Thunderstrike'' featured a villain called Carjack (WHOSEwhose specialty was, well, carjacking. Truly a worthy opponent to the successor of the Norse god of thunder), who had dreadlocks and wore a brown trenchcoat, purple pants, huge boots and gloves and a Dr. Doom-style metallic mask.
* ''[[The Flash]]'' villain The Rainbow Raider: Admittedly, he is colorblind, so it's not really his fault, but still.
* ''[[Doom Patrol]]'' villain Codpiece. He has a laser cannon mounted [ exactly where you would guess he does] from that name, and while he was actually pretty damn dangerous with it, the costume was no less hilarious for many reasons. Then again he fought The Doom Patrol who are... weird...
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== [[FanficFan Works]] ==
* This trope is spoofed in ''[[The Return (fanfic)|The Return]]'', where [[Big Bad]] Alexia and her [[The Dragon|Dragon]] Aurora continually dress like catwalk models with OTT fake tans and makeup and are mercilessly mocked by the heroes. Thanks to an [[Evil Makeover]] {{spoiler|Dark Mercury}} also comes in for ribbing, but she is acting more as a [[Card-Carrying Villain]] on purpose so probably feels she needs the rather hideous and impractical get up.
* The parody crossover "''[ Harry Potter in the Realm of Dungeons and Dragons]"'' plays with this. [[Harry Potter|Harry, Ron and Hermione]] wind up in the realm of the animated show ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (animation)|Dungeons and Dragons]]'', where much amusement is gotten from the fact that the D&D kids regularly face off with '"a one-horned devil in an evening gown".'
* In [ this] [[Kung Fu Panda]] fanfic, ''everyone'' (yes, even the [[Villain Protagonist|protagonists]]) is a Fashion Victim Villain. The biggest offender is, probably fittingly enough, {{spoiler|Josef Stalin}}.
* ''[[My Immortal]]'' takes this to its logical conclusion, where all the bad guys are stereotypical preps wearing pink. It has the balls to depict [[Big Bad|Voldemort]]/[[Rouge Angles of Satin|Volfemort/Vlodemort/Volxemort/]][[Star Wars|Darth Valer/]][[The Matrix|Tom Andorson/]][[Lord of the Rings|Tom Bombodil]] wearing '''high heels'''.
* ''[[Queen of All Oni]]'': Minor villain [[Smug Snake|Lung]], at least in the opinion of Tarakudo. And since the former's described as looking like "[[Flash Gordon (comic strip)|Ming The Merciless']] Goth cousin", the latter may have a point. And in addition to clothes, Tarakudo also derides Lung's choice of lair, viewing his abandoned, ancient, cliffside fortress as an unoriginal cliche.