Halloween Is Grinch Night/YMMV
- Non Sequitur Scene: The "Ooga Booga" number. It comes out of nowhere and doesn't do much besides confuse and annoy the three bystanders. In fact, the Grinch's laughter at the end suggests he did it for the sole purpose of amusing himself for about twenty seconds.
- Foe Yay: "Will...will you please scare me some more, sir? I-I, I sort of like it." Well, Ukariah, that's certainly one way to stall the Grinch.
- Fridge Logic: For all the complicated nonsense the Whos are able to build for Christmas, they don't have indoor plumbing?
- Fridge Horror: Max could be just a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, so he went back to The Grinch on his own accord.
- Sequelitis: How the Grinch Stole Christmas is considered a classic; this...is not.
- Tear Jerker: Max's song, oh boy. The fact that the Grinch at one point mocks him during it makes it even sadder.
- The Woobie: Dear god, Max.
- And the Wuzzy Woozoo. Also, the flower that the Grinch intentionally crushes with his wagon wheel. It weakly tries to rise up as though it were sentient—and given the nature of Dr. Seuss, probably is.