The Anime Series

  • Adaptation Displacement: Other than hardcore anime fans, who has ever heard of the children's books?
  • Ear Worm: When we work together it's much better...
    • The ending credits are even more contagious. Snoozer, Penelope, Panda, Howdy, Oxnard, Bijou, Boss let's go!
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Stan has been paired with just about every ham-ham on the show! Yes, including his own twin sister!
    • Considering his character, are we really surprised?
    • Do you mean "every female Ham-Ham" or "every Ham-Ham?"
    • Every Ham-Ham.
  • Periphery Demographic: For every preteen kid that decried this show as a sign of Toonami's end times, there was another kid within the same demographic that admitted to liking the show . . . or secretly watched and said nothing for years to keep up with appearances. You people know who you are.
  • The Scrappy: The second opening theme. For reasons unknown, Cartoon Network hated it and refuse to air it, opting to air the first theme over the second season episodes. However they accidentally let it slip with a few airings, which left a few fans scratching their head in confusion. Soon it was found out that other networks worldwide that airs the English version of the show do air the second opening theme. Cue Keep Circulating the Tapes, as a number of fans do find the second theme better than the first one. And even then Cartoon Network is trying to stop the circulation by immediately flagging the videos off youtube as soon as someone uploads it. A few mp3 copies have been known to circulate the web, despite this.
  • Ship-to-Ship Combat: Good Lord, back when this show was on Cartoon Network, you wouldn't believe how many people fought over Hamtaro/Bijou or Boss/Bijou.
    • As well as Travis/Laura and Roberto/Laura (yet Laura does not like Roberto at all.)
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: Some people think Spat, the cats and the chicks are cute/funny. Other thinks they're Premium Grade-A Nightmare Fuel.
  • Tear Jerker: The episode where Boss found a lost, injured kitten and raised it, but had to give it back to its owner when she was found...
    • The ending credits song can cause tears.
    • Tears of nostalgia, or just....tears?
    • The episode where Penelope crushes on Kylie's little cousin, and is heartbroken when she sees him with Mimi.
    • The episode where the Ham-Hams try to build a mini entertainment park to cheer up Mimi, but a storm destroys it. Made worse because of the reason why they're doing it: Mimi is very depressed and scared because her baby brother is about to be born and she fears she's about to become The Unfavorite.
    • How about the episode where Bijou thinks she's moving away?
  • Woolseyism: Pretty much all the names have been changed and although most of the Japanese Holidays and folk tales have been kept, they too had their names changes (Urashima Taro became Leo in the dub). Yet, talk to the fans and most of them will refer to the dub and not the Japanese version.
    • One episode that featured Kompeito was called "diamonds of sugar" in the dub.

The Games

  • Nightmare Fuel: In Ham-Ham Heartbreak, one level is a mansion full of ghosts. In one room, a painting's eyes follow you wherever you go...
  • The Scrappy: Hamtaro: Wake Up Snoozer for the PC. Many fans refuse to acknowledge the existence of the game, even though in reality it was a decent title. Also received a(n) (un)generously huge amount of one, two and three star reviews on