Have a Gay Old Time/Other Media

Examples of Have a Gay Old Time in Other Media works include:

  • There is a Finnish educational video titled Muna on mukava juttu, "An egg is a nice thing", which tells about the health benefits of eggs. Unfortunately, showing the video to a school class is bound to cause some snickering due to the word "muna", "egg", also being a slang term for a penis. Make the word a plural and it either refers to multiple eggs or testicles. Cue laughter when one of the kids on the video instructs his friends to "take the eggs in your hands"...
  • A filmstrip put out by the LDS church back in the 70s has a funny example of this in its Spanish translation. The filmstrip is an allegory comparing a caterpillar in its cocoon to the resurrection. At one point, the younger brother insists that the caterpillar must be dead since it's been inside its cocoon for so long. The older brother explains to the younger brother that these things just take time and that "pronto sadrá de su capullo y será una bella mariposa." Which, technically means "soon he'll come out of his cocoon and be a beautiful butterfly. However, taking into account certain slang terms, it can also mean "soon he'll come out of his foreskin and be a beautiful gay man."
    • Even more hilariously, capullo is also slang for stupid.[1]
  • The term "G-string" originally meant "a loincloth worn by American Indian men". Referring to the groin, then an inappropriate term for polite company. G-string was intentionally juxtaposed with the musical term.
  • The first Russian atlas was called "The Show of all the World". The word used to mean "show" back then, now means "shame"...
  • A 1972 paper by WD Hamilton on the evolution of altruism in insects uses the word "bisexual" to mean that a behavior is found in both sexes of a species.
    • Nowadays the term is "unisex".
  • Apparently, a 1883 London Times article had this little line describing the role of a Bouncer
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" 'The Bouncer' is merely the English 'chucker out'. When liberty verges on license and gaiety on wanton delirium, the Bouncer selects the gayest of the gay, and --bounces him!"

  • Various tv shows, movies, and animes up to around the mid 90's would sometimes refer to Condominiums as condoms for short... after a few decades of that I guess we realized what we were saying and started using 'condo' instead.
    • If this usage had continued, it would have given the Doom 2 level "Monster Condo" a whole new meaning.
  • X Box Live once suspended a Fort Gay, West Virginia resident for putting the town's name as his profile location. That user brought it up with customer service, trying to convince them that Fort Gay is a real location, and had nothing to do with sexual orientation.
  • A long time ago, German men named Ignaz (from Ignatius) often got the nickname "Naz" or "Nazi". Guess why this stopped somewhen during the twentieth century, especially with the latter nickname.
    • But in America at least, the nickname was probably pronounced "Nazzy" rather than "Notzee."
    • This hasn't stopped with "Naz" though. There is a female Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy character with Naz as a name.
  • In the (German) opera Lohengrin, the title character insists upon being called the Leader rather than the Duke of Brabant. In the opera itself, the word Führer was originally used for "Leader" in performances. This was changed to Schützer for reasons that should be obvious...
  • The Enola Gay, anyone? Its payload was code-named Little Boy, which isn't an example by itself, but juxtaposed with the craft's name...
  • In order to receive their certificates, student pilots must pass exams both in the aircraft and on the ground. The ground portion is naturally called the Oral Exam. This is usually shortened to just "oral" and applied to any verbal instruction. The term has persisted despite—or maybe because of—the connotation modern English has given the word. This leads to giggle-inducing statements like "I can't go out; I've got to do an oral with my instructor. It's going to take all night. Yeah, he's really hard..."
  • There is (was?) a plastic toy company called "Gay Toys, Inc."
  • For any Americans coming to Australia, be warned: down here, a thong is a type of footwear, not a revealing pair of typically female undergarments. So don't get too excited if you're at the beach and hear someone talking about two hot chicks in rubber thongs.
  • The Russian cartoon "Blue Puppy" is about a puppy who was born with blue fur. All the other animals spurn him for that sole reason and sing a mocking song with words like "You're blue, you're blue, we don't want to play with you", "You're a disgrace to the whole world" and "We don't need blue dogs here!". The puppy laments his fate, saying "Why, oh why was I born blue?" Eventually he overcomes his grief, finds a friend and muses, that "It's OK to be blue". This cartoon was created before the word "blue" became a common euphemism for "gay".
  • In the city of Manchester, England, as you travel via the main arterial road from the south, you will pass a very-long established and respected dealer in tropical fish and indoor aquaria who have a deserved reputation for quality and excellence in all areas to do with indoor fish-keeping. The business name is a homage to the family who have run the premises for three generations and see no need to change it now just because there are other associations. They are called Gay-Lyfe Limited.

  1. So "Soon he'll come out of his stupidity and become a beautiful gay man"? Not a bad advice for somebody in the Transparent Closet!