• Complete Monster: The master of Synapse. First, there's his xenophobia toward humans, referring to them as "downers" and "bugs". He also beats Nymph whenever she fails her orders (or when he feels like it, really) and constantly threatens to destroy her. It's likely that he treats the other angeloids that way too. He also threatens destruction if they don't provide entertainment for him. This "entertainment" includes such things as ordering Ikaros to annihilate the Tower of Babylon and the surrounding city and placing a bomb around Nymph's neck, triggered to explode if she again failed to bring Ikaros back to Synapse. The worst thing he did was probably the time he ordered Nymph to call on her pet bird and prove her loyalty to him by crushing it to death. After she did so, he stomped her face into the ground while laughing about how "That was pretty fun. I'll save scrapping you until next time." Nymph goes on to thank him for not destroying her, which in all those cases, can easily be interpreted as "Thank you for not destroying me today." All this, while wearing a Slasher Smile the entire time. He does these sorts of things after the series fully establishes that the angeloids have feelings and emotions despite their artificial natures. Both of the angeloids in question cry their hearts out after recalling what they were ordered to do. Simply put, the sections that have him in it mean that the plot shows its dark and serious side.
  • Crazy Awesome -- Tomoki without a doubt. His latest awesome feat is when he disciplines Chaos for showing love to the kitten with a light smack to the head.
    • In another episode, Tomoki (who is now Tomoko) is trapped in the girl's bathroom after a failed perversion attempt. Rather than go out and face the wrath of his friends, he flushes himself down the toilet.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome -- The use of Misaki Meguri as an ED theme.
    • A background music titled Yuuki no Tsubasa. When it plays, you'll know that something awesome is going to happen.
    • Chaos' theme, Epsilon. 'Awesome' doesn't even begin to describe how awesome it is.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Why is Tomoki so good at emulating a Moe character? Because he saw his mom do it for 10 years!
  • Fridge Horror: Falls into WMG, but angels treat two things like trash: humans and Angeloids. They have the technology to make Angeloids out of flesh-and-blood creatures Hiyori, and normally-made ones differ from organic beings only in their powers and their ears. So...how are normally-made Angeloids made?
    • The shooting festival episode suddenly goes straight into High Octane Nightmare Fuel territory when it's revealed that Sohara is wielding a real gun and doesn't realize it. Fortunately, Ikaros takes the bullet for Tomoki and proves to be Immune to Bullets... but Sohara had been active in the "game" for a while at that point... and she's especially horrified when she finds out what she was carrying....
  • Fridge Logic
    • Normal humans can't survive being dragged in the open air at Mach 17. Could be handwaved by the fact that Tomoki is made out of iron.
    • S2E06 -- In the Othello game, Tomoki was playing black. Even if Astraea did trick him into playing himself, black was the winning color. He didn't lose, he won! Baka! Baka!
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel - Chaos. Dear God, Chaos. She WILL make you fear moe and lolis.

"Shall I castrate you?"

  • Holy Shit Quotient: Chapter 55 in spades.
    • 56 Takes the previous chapter's quotient, tears it to pieces, burns it to ashes, and flushes it down the toilet.
  • Tear Jerker -- After the ending sequence of episode eight, Ikaros shows that she's Not So Stoic. Nymph's backstory just as well.
    • The series actually has quite a few of these, with the most recent being Chaos being UTTERLY shattered to pieces in chapter 47.
  • The Woobie -- Nymph. She has the most scenes with the master of Synapse. One memorable scene has the master, along with some of the other inhabitants, questioning why they made an "Electronic Warfare Model" if the "downers" haven't even found Synapse in thousands of years and whether or not they should just scrap it. This, all in front of Nymph, who is the model in question. If that isn't enough, then how about getting curb-stomped in every battle she's been in, one of which ended with her wings being torn off?
    • Whenever the plot rolls, they like picking on her for some reason.
      • chapter 47 turns CHAOS into this.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: It was highly expected that Oregano would be Sugata's angeloid, instead of what took place in chapter 52.

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