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(→‎Comic Books: replaced broken link with a link that works - not to the same image, but to one that illustrates the point just as well)
(Dialing back the horny)
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* In ''[[Metal Gear Solid]] 4'', Solid Snake is supposed to be so ugly as a result of his accelerated ageing disease that at one point, when he takes his shirt off, he actually makes a grown woman cry. (His younger self was supposed to be a [[Sliding Scale of Beauty|World Class Beauty]], and women immediately show interest in him when he's wearing [[Latex Perfection|makeup to look like his younger self]].) In practice, he still has a great body and finding him more attractive than his younger self is ''not'' a niche opinion amongst Solid Snake's generous [[Estrogen Brigade]]; people frequently remark that his younger self as it was rendered in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]] 4'' looks [[Uncanny Valley|awkward-looking]] or even outright ugly, but as an old man he is extremely charismatic.
* In [[Dragon Age]] 2, Aveline asks Isabela how she's able to attract men, given that she's not especially good looking. The tone of both Aveline's question and Isabela's response indicates that this was a serious question, despite Isabela's character model being an [[Up to Eleven]] [[Ms. Fanservice]] and Aveline herself is quite attractive.
* In ''[[Until Dawn]]'', we're introduced to Hannah. [[Word of God|Allegedly]] she's a plain-looking, nerdy geek. In reality, she's a [[She's Got Legs|leggy]], [[Spicy Latina|tan-skinned]], [[Brainy Brunette|raven haired]], [[Buxom Is Better|well-endowed girl]] who lookscould likebe a bitchy egotistical cheerleader in any other setting she'd be the bitchy egotistical cheerleader... but apparently, even the hunky jock guy finds the busty teenage girlHannah undesirable for some undisclosed reason.
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