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* For those people who ordered a [[Defictionalization|Troll shirt]], it comes with some wise words from Tavros:
* For those people who ordered a [[Defictionalization|Troll shirt]], it comes with some wise words from Tavros:
{{quote|{{color|#a15000|AT: uHH, dON'T gET iN tHE rECUPERACOON, wHILE wEARING tHIS [sHIRT], sO yOU wON'T hAVE tO, uHH, cHANGE,}} <ref>[[You Make Me Sic|[sic] ]]</ref>}}
{{quote|<span style{{=}}"color:#a15000;">AT: uHH, dON'T gET iN tHE rECUPERACOON, wHILE wEARING tHIS [sHIRT], sO yOU wON'T hAVE tO, uHH, cHANGE,</span> <ref>{{sic}}</ref>}}
** Mine had some from Aradia:
** Mine had some from Aradia:
{{quote|{{color|#a10000|AA: i'm 0k with this shirt. maybe y0u are t00. 0r n0t. i'm 0kay with either possibility}}}}
{{quote|{{color|#a10000|AA: i'm 0k with this shirt. maybe y0u are t00. 0r n0t. i'm 0kay with either possibility}}}}