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** Speaking of devils, the baatezu have their own versions of succubi. However, Erinyes (which look like, for lack of a better term, beautiful, female, emo angels) are more powerful and capable warriors than typical succubi, noted for their skill with bows. Erinyes also have an "upgrade", that being Brachinas, devils whose duty it is to use seduction to lure worshipers of good deities away from their faith, though they'll gladly "torment" anyone, and possess a contact poison that affects the mind; in game terms, it deals Wisdom damage, making a person more susceptible to seduction and a less powerful divine caster.
*** In earlier editions, the Erinyes were [http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/5262/erinyes.jpg still quite sensual]. However, the succubus and Erinyes of earlier editions had drastically different roles. Sure, the succubus could swipe your soul with sexuality, but she was also there to tempt mortals to "passionate" evil. Succubi were [[Exclusively Evil]] and tempted mortals to crimes of desire and rage. However, the Erinyes were [[Lawful Evil]] and weren't interested in making mortals butcher lovers out of jealousy. Certainly, they could use their attractiveness to further their goals, but anything physical was merely a means to an end. They wanted to make tyrants and other [[Lawful Evil]] [[Complete Monster]]s. In [[Planescape]], they were usually found in great numbers in Grenpoli, the City of Diplomacy.
*** Still, some trends cannot be avoided; Eludecia is a succubus who managed to reform and become a Paladin. This means she has the worst of both worlds, having weaknesses associated with demons plus vulnerablity to any dark magic that would be effective against a paladin. But still, no regrets. Well, usually. [http://www.succubus.net/wiki/Eludecia As the link shows,] an set of stats are given should a DM decide that Eludecia has preferred evil over good, becoming a ''very'' dangerous Blackguard.
** Not being powerful in combat doesn't mean unimportant. In the ''[[Ravenloft]]'' setting, an incubus known as the Gentleman Caller is one of the setting's worst [[Big Bad]] villains, beguiling numerous female NPCs over the years, and fathering enough half-fiend offspring with high-ranking women to destabilize or corrupt more than one domain's political system.
** Alu-fiends ([[Half-Human Hybrid|half]]-succubus) in ''[[Planescape]]'' have weakened abilities of their mothers and 1/5 are [[Chaotic Neutral]] or [[True Neutral]] ([[Mix-and-Match Critters|due to non-evil fathers]]), but still counts as "demonic" race (lesser tanar'ri), as opposed to tieflings.