Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here:

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. No-name recommendations will be Zapped (wiki). Nobody would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.

Authors, and Websites

Maiden of the Moon

  • Recommended by: Sephirose
  • Comments: Her Invader Zim stories are wonderfully written and characterized. She shows us different sides to the known characters and builds a story like you wouldn't believe. Her other stories are good, as well.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Restitution by Lael Adair

  • Recommended by Extraintrovert
  • Synopsis: Years after Zim disappeared, Dib is once again in the presence of the psychotic Irken, but there's just one problem: he doesn't remember him.
  • Comments: Restitution is what a large portion of Invader Zim fanfiction attempts to be. Zim and Dib retain their canon personalities while still heavily influenced by the events described in the story, but of far more significance is their interactions; the revulsion and loathing that oozes from every word exchanged between the two is both overwhelmingly potent and a welcome reprieve from the inundation of monotonous "romance" a large portion of the fandom produces.

Bitter End by Lael Adair

  • Recommended by Extraintrovert
  • Synopsis: The contest is long since over, and the victor muses on their existence and the fate of their former adversary.
  • Comments: By the same author as the recommendation above, it is of equal quality condensed into a single chapter.

Revenge by SpeakingThroughWrittenWords

  • Recommended by Extraintrovert
  • Synopsis: Zim and Dib's final confrontation, and the consequences thereof (thankfully no Antagonist in Mourning).
  • Comments: Even bleaker and more severe than Restitution. Not for those who don't appreciate Darker and Edgier in their fanfiction.

The Curious Workings of a Mechanical Mind by IndigoClockwork

  • Recommended by Extraintrovert
  • Synopsis: A completely unnecessary backstory for a relatively minor thing. Spaceship dogfights, interstellar romance, political intrigue, and all the angst you can handle.
  • Comments: Quite possibly the only thing you will read in which the main character is a ship's computer.

Dib in the PITS by JoeMerl

  • Recommended by Extraintrovert
  • Synopsis: Dib decides to acquire some allies in his fight against Zim, but in this Crapsack World of his, settling for second best is the optimistic position.
  • Comments: Inexplicably manages to be hilarious while not sacrificing the significant drama of the story, make Dib simultaneously competent and a Butt Monkey, and make Zim simultaneously threatening and a moron. In summation, capturing the series perfectly.

Nothing but a Weapon by CBREL and Flame Dragon of Doom

  • Recommended by Skepkitty
  • Synopsis: Another one of Zim's plans has gone wrong, but this time all of the universe is at stake. The return of Tak, Zim's sanity and the sanity of Dib's new ally may cause the death of the Human and Irken races alike. Contains violence, OC, and NO ROMANCE.
  • Comments: A JtHM and IZ crossover which manages to combine some of the best elements of both. Violent, but darkly humorous.

Fly in a Web by Maiden of the Moon

  • Recommended by: Sephirose
  • Pairings: ZADR
  • Synopsis: Zim finally has Dib in his clutches, and the human boy isn't getting away.
  • Comments: The author brings to light a side of Zim that is rarely seen in the series. A side that we all know he has, but almost never shows. If IZ was less of a comedy and more of a drama, this would be Zim. It keeps you on the edge of your seat with each passing sentence, culminating in a nail-biting finale.
    • I disagree, it's just two pretty well written oneshots but don't deserve a spot on this page.

Invader Time Lord by Lady Hinoto

  • Recommended by Extraintrovert
  • Synopsis: After an attempt to explode Dib's house goes horribly, horribly wrong, Zim is sucked into the Time Vortex and collides with a mysterious blue box. Infuriated that anyone would dare throw a box at ZIM, he steals the box for himself, inadvertently embarking upon an adventure across time and space.
  • Comments: An Invader Zim/Doctor Who crossover that combines the insanity of the former with the irreverence of the latter for hilarious results. Unfortunately incomplete, but what is written so far is brilliant, worth reading if only for the chapter of the Doctor and Jack attempting to capture and interrogate GIR. Contains a fair degree of Flanderization and Rouge Angles of Satin, although most of the former is justified by Rule of Funny and the latter is too infrequent to be a significant problem.

Invader Zim: The Series by ngrey 651

  • Recommended by Newenglandee
  • Synopsis: An adaptation/novelization of the entire Invader Zim series transformed into fanfiction form, including fan-made episodes and episodes that were never fully completed and/or aired. It is the story of one certain Invader who's trying to take over the world, one human that's determined to stop him, a sister that would rather be playing video games, a robot just along for the ride, and the eccentric but very lovable Narrator that's trying to make sure they don't all kill each other while the story is continued to be told.

Dark Harvest by Swing-21 (Disturbing content)

  • Recommended by Rambie
  • Synopsis: 'So, you say that Zim is out there, stealing organs left and right and leaving empty torsos in parking lots and no one was ever able to stop him?!'

Karma Circle: Alternate by JoeMerl

  • Recommended by Theweirdwarrior
  • Synopsis: Dib and Gaz mess around with the new Spell-Drive they acquired in Gaz: Taster of Pork. Meanwhile, a Dib and Gaz from a Bizarro Universe are simulaneously fiddling around with their own Spell-Drive. Hilarity Ensues.

Kill Zim by Familiar47

  • Recommended by Zim'sMostLoyalServant
  • Pairing: ZATR, Dib/OC, several OC/OC
  • Synopsis: The galaxy's biggest TV show, countless contestants, and all for one thing: to watch every nemesis of our favourite green maniac try to exact their revenge on Zim! Summary does not do this justice!

What If I Never Was? by Intyalle

  • Recommended by Golden Sandslash
  • Synopsis: One day, Dib wakes up and Zim is completely gone, along with any signs of him ever having been on Earth. No one remembers Zim, except for Dib himself. Whenever Dib mentions Zim, everyone thinks Dib is insane, but with no evidence of Zim's arrival on Earth, he just might be, as this fanfic explores Dib's inner psyche. Currently in progress.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

In Short Supply (slash, mpreg [1])

  • Recommended by Intyalle
  • Pairings: Zim/Purple, some implied-but-not-official Red/Purple
  • Synopsis: Tallest Purple discovers a worrying shortage of average-height Irkens in the population, suggesting that the Irken race may be evolving into two separate species of tall and short Irkens. Having failed to convince Tallest Red of his concerns (namely, that more average-height Irkens are needed to restore balance to the population), he decides that the only way to save the species is to go behind Red's back and combine his own Tallest DNA with that of the shortest Irken in the empire. To his horror, this means making smeets with his least favorite invader: Zim..

Curiosity by Moe-chama

  • Recommended by emolawyer23, Intyalle
  • Pairing(s): Zim/Dib
  • Synopsis: Skool has finally decided to have a normal Valentine's Day this year, with the candy, hearts and puppy love. Zim, however, doesn't know anything about this holiday. Unfortunately, Dib does.
  • Comments: Curiosity is, at the very least, a good read. It's very in character, despite being a ZADR fic, and manages to still through in adorable-ness that will make ZADR fans squeal. Also, GIR makes a convincing robot lovechild.
    • Intyalle: Still only part-way through, but it's a blast so far. Really shouldn't be reading it during a lecture, because I'm going to burst trying to hold all the laughter in soon. Honestly, absolutely hilarious, and very much still in character at this stage.

Sleeper Agent by Emo Fox

  • Recommended by: Oracle Seven
  • Pairing(s): Zim/Dib, Keef/Zim ( horribly one-sided)
  • Synopsis: Dib and Zim must join forces to defeat a new alien threat. Loyalties are questioned. The Tallest are in danger.
  • Comments: A solid, serious fic with a great plot. Characterization is spot-on, even as it moves into ZADR - the relationship seems to flow into the story naturally. It IS rated M for a VERY good reason, so consider yourselves warned.

I Left My Heart At Schloogorgh's by Serendipity1

  • Recommended by Maxi12345
  • Pairing: OC/Skoodge (but you'd love it, trust me)
  • Synopsis: Deep in the greasy, cholesterolladen bowels of Foodcourtia, a romance blossomed. A romance...of DOOM!
  • Commentary: I rarely recommend deadfics, but this one is just too good to be forgotten in the depths of the internet. Five whole chapters of complete and utterly Zimmy madness topped off with a brilliant OC and Skoodge love. Yes, Skoodge love. Read it, you won't regret it.

My Hostage, Not Yours and its sequels My Hostage, Not Yours 2: The Revenge of Player 2 and My Hostage, Not Yours 3: The Inevitable Takeover by RavenFollower13

  • Recommended by UpsidePickle, YinDragon
  • Pairing: Zim/Gaz
  • Synopsis: Bound by secrecy, Zim and Gaz are forced to cooperate with one another until further notice. With a possible invasion on the way because of Gaz's mistake and having to spend every day with Zim, are they just pretend friends, or on the verge of more?
  • Commentary: I have yet to find an Invader Zim fanfiction that portrays ZAGR in a more realistic way. The characterization is great, the plot keeps you hooked, the romance is well-thought out, and the author updates every day. (As long as the story goes, anyhow.) Humor, romance, action and and actually tolerable OCs make My Hostage, Not Yours a great fic to read. Rated T for a good reason, though. If you aren't comfortable with pretty graphic kissing scenes, you might want to skip this. But, all in all, a highly recommended read.
    • YinDragon: seconded, this story is the most realistic ZAGR fic out there.
    • Now has its own page

The Rats of NIMH by Raha

  • Recommended by Reality Phobia
  • Pairing: Zim/Dib
  • Synopsis: One: All will bow to the Irken Reformation Company. Two: All will conform to the Irken image. Three: All non-Irken activities will cease immediately. Four: All individual thought will be banned. Five: All defects will be terminated. ALL! HAIL! IRK!
  • Comments: I could sit here and praise this story until the cows come home, but I'll keep it short. This is a story with a dark atmosphere and out-of-this-world characterization, and it's one of my personal favorites of all time. It takes a darker tone than the show (though not quite as dark as the synopsis makes it sound), which makes sense as it is set approximately ten years later. It also has one of the better descriptions of Irken society I've seen. Everyone in this story is made into a person in their own right, including the villain. The plot is interesting and horrifying, simultaneously. All in all it is a beautiful piece of storytelling, riveting in its execution, that will leave you begging for more.
  1. Both in non-sexual ways