Journey into Space was a BBC radio series written by Charles Chilton. It was originally broadcast from 1953 to 1958 but set initially in the distant future of 1965.

The original series consists of:

  • Journey to the Moon (1953-4), remade in 1958 as Operation Luna as the original tapes had been wiped.
  • The Red Planet (1954-5)
  • The World in Peril (1955-6)

Several further one-off installments were produced after the original run:

  • The Return from Mars (1981)
  • Frozen in Time (2008)
  • The Host (2009)

The main characters are:

Tropes used in Journey Into Space include:

Spoiler Tropes

  • Absent Aliens: Averted, even though the series at first merely appears to a fairly realistic drama about the struggle to achieve a manned moon-landing.
  • Time Travel: Happens to the crew in Journey to the Moon/Operation Luna.