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Kaspall is a Fantasy murder mystery Web Comic written and drawn by Lucy Lyall that started in 2005.

The Captain (center) and Lieutenant de Montfort (left) question a witness.

Within this comic, Kaspall is the name of the unusual city in which the story takes place. This city is remarkable for two things:

Around the time this story begins, several events are occurring in tandem: a new off-worlder by the name of Alex Gray is being processed by the O.W.R. ("Off-Worlder Registration"); a student psychomantic (mind-mage) named Caroline is doing a field project at the Skein Institute for Professor Jaiva; the Captain and Lieutenant de Montfort ("Call me Harry. Please.") are investigating a curious series of murders; and, in a small Greenacre Street apartment building, Sam Goldbourne is behind on his rent. Oh, and something odd is happening at a certain mysterious estate.

These facts are, of course, connected.

We recommend starting at the beginning.

Contains examples of:


 Sam: I can just imagine. Everyone equal. No-one looking down on you all the time. You could just be satisfied, you know? It must have been amazing.

Alex: Oh. Um. ...yes.

Alt Text: Yes. It's just like that. Also, sometimes it rains free money and kittens - though it's best to stay indoors when that happens.