• I always loved the stunts they did with KITT the car, very cool.
    • Super Pursuit Mode!
  • It was awesome when KITT played Matador against a bull in Not a Drop to Drink. Also counts as a Crowning Moment of Funny
  • I liked it when Michael threatened that ass in Junkyard Dog after they pulled KITT up out of the mud. He was really Badass.
    • KITT was pretty Badass himself after his recovery and got over his fears.
  • The Legendary Peter Cullen guest spotted on the show as the Evil Twin car KARR!
  • I liked the end of the episode Blind Spot. When Michael pulls the villain out of his wrecked car expecting him to try and fight back (like they always do). Instead, just as he pulls back for the punch... the guy falls over backwards. And the look on Michaels face says "Well, that was rather anticlimactic."
    • Also counts as a moment of funny.
  • I liked the finale of A Good Knight's Work When KITT slams into an apartment window... three floors off the ground!
  • Devon, April and Klaus get one in Goliath Returns while being held captive by Garth. The orchestrate their own escape by using the synthetic fabric of a shirt, broken glass from a lightcover, and the melamine of the ground-down clay buttons on Devon's jacket to make an explosive to blow open the door! The questionable science and fact that the escape was thwarted a few feet further down the corridor in no way make this any less of a show of geeky awesomeness.

April: You might as well know what I think about you and your destiny. Your destiny is to never have a woman who wants you for yourself. Never have a man who respects you for what you are. Your destiny is death. And if you don't believe me just go take a good look in the mirror. There are holes where your eyes should be. And behind them there's nothing but blackness.

  • The final fight in Knight Rider 2000, Michael has Watts cornered and at gun point. However Watts has a hostage and Michael can't fire. But KITT using his projector screen, aims for a safe spot so Michael can fire, disarming Watts and stunning him temporarily. Michael then risks getting kicked in the head to see if the hostage is alright and once she's out of harm's way they go at it. Although Watts has some advantage, Michael, still the martial artist he warned about since the pilot episode; spin kicks him. When Watts has him in a headlock, Michael punches him square in the face, causing Watts to resort to pulling another gun. However Shawn shows up in the nick of time with her gun demanding he drop his. Although she came close to, Michael was able to talk her out of killing Watts and instead moves in for the arrest. However Watts tries to go for his gun in the last second, prompting Michael to shoot him over the Mall railing.
  • The pilot episode is both this and practically Nightmare Fuel. Michael Knight, back when he was Michael Long, survived a gunshot wound to the head, thanks to a metal plate, which only cost him his original face and put him in a coma for a few weeks. His face gets restored, he's given his iconic identity, K.I.T.T. and the amnesties thanks to Wilton Knight, who wants him to carry on his legacy fighting for the innocent. To prove that "One man can make a difference." While he was initially just in it for revenge, upon receiving word that his assassin Tanya is in Silicon Valley, he doesn't go for the direct attack, that most action heroes are expected. Instead he proves he can be just as smart as his car partner. He first gains the trust of a woman who hates Tanya as much as he does. He then enters a race hosted by Comtron, the computer company she's taken over. Posing as a salesman. With K.I.T.T.'s help, he mops the floor with the racers, using K.I.T.T. as his sales pitch. Even when things seem hopeless due to setbacks, such as K.I.T.T. getting impounded by Tanya's company, due to her obsession with the car and the mystery behind the driver. As well as Michael getting arrested for being in a bar fight with the racers he beat, who double as Tanya's hired goons. Michael manages to bounce back. K.I.T.T. helps him escape from jail and he proceeds to go to Comtron, catching Tanya in the act of stealing their secrets. He holds her at gunpoint and she at first tries to bribe her way out of it, but when he reveals his true identity to him, she's understandably shocked. The man, she thought she killed is standing in front of her, with the gun she shot him with. She tries to plead her way out of it, claiming that if she didn't do it her boss would have. Even offering to split the profits between the two. However Michael, not fooled by her like she fooled him before, shuts her down. Claiming that she wouldn't even make the offer if she herself wasn't the boss. Which she admits. Before anything can happen, Comtron security comes in and shoots Michael on Tanya's orders, wounding his shoulder. They leave him for dead and he chases after them. Returning to K.I.T.T. to better his odds. Despite being wounded, losing blood and on the verge of passing out and potentially dying, Michael insists on carrying on the chase by driving himself. Proving once and for all that Wilton was right. The scary and awesome part is, that despite all that, he does not quit. So determined that the members of Comtron try to wisen up. They first offer a big bounty to whoever's on their payroll to take them out. A Comtron trucker offers to take them out. They know K.I.T.T.'s shell is hard to crack, but they hope a head on collision would at least knock them down or shake up Michael to much. A Comtron Helicopter is even prepared with a shotgun in case K.I.T.T. does pass the truck by. Now in any other action movie, this would be considered a smart move on the Villain's part. However they grossly underestimated K.I.T.T.'s capabilities. Michael switches on the Turbo Boost allowing them to jump over the truck. The Helicopter pulls along side of them and tries to take a shot at K.I.T.T. The bullets not only bounce off, but return to the helicopter disabling it and prompting them to flee. Tanya and her crew get on the private plane and it seems to prepare to take off. But Michael has none of that, he drives onto the runway and proceeds to Crash K.I.T.T. into the plane's wings. Forcing it to stop, Tanya and crew to leave and the plane to explode from ignited fuel. K.I.T.T. stops moments from them and Tanya finally has enough. She tries to shoot at a cornered Michael, but despite his and her crews warnings not to shoot, she fires. The bullets bouncing off the window and into her, killing her off. Just as the state police arrive to arrest the rest of Tanya's crew, K.I.T.T. drives Michael to the nearest hospital. The harrowing experience convincing Michael to stay with the Foundation and continue the mission Wilton wanted from him.