• Dueling Games: With Demigod, Heroes of Newerth and, of course, Defense of the Ancients. Heroes of Newerth unquestionably the most.
  • Fan Nickname: Numerous.
    • All champions with more than 5 symbols in their names have shorter nicknames for typing. Usually just first letters of the name, but any short name that clearly identifies the champion in question will do. Veigar is sometimes called Vivi, Gangplank is Pirate, and Alistar is Cow.
    • Certain champs get their perceived overpoweredness reflected with a spin on their name. For example, Win Nao the Senechal of Demacia, Free Win the Blind Monk, Gankplank, and Feed-lesticks.
    • Second accounts are called "smurfs" (more or less officially, as Pendragon himself has one and calls it a smurf too).
      • This one extends outside of LoL.
    • Ezreal is sometimes called 'EZ-Real'.
  • Name's the Same: Ahri's passive, Essense Theft, was originally called Soul Eater... the same as Nasus'. The community wasted no time in pointing this out to the devs.

Ezreal: Whoops