Little Witch Academia: The Nonsensical Witch and the Country of the Fairies

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Little Witch Academia: The Nonsensical Witch and the Country of the Fairies answers the question no one has asked in their entire life: what if someone made Little Witch Academia, but make it like The Cat Returns?

"A believing heart is your magic!"

In this 2017[1] Light Novel by Momo Tachibana, the not-so-adept-witch Atsuko "Akko" Kagari returns for another misadventure. She's not the only person back, though. Her friends Lotte and Sucy are here as well, dragged into yet another adventure. Set some time in the first half of the 2017 series, the trio are at Doras Hill for a class field trip. Being around Akko, your life will never be quiet. The trio are quickly dragged into an adventure involving a little girl called Sifla, a missing dog and cat, and the fairy realm. As Akko puts it, Sifla is "sad" that Alan the dog and Feoras the cat are missing. It is up to Akko to find the missing animals using her... how do we put this... unconventional approach to magic.

Existing viewers of Little Witch Academia knows exactly what Akko's spellcasting shennigans are like. IF you don't know, let's just say: a lot of explosions, a lot of failures, and several growlings from her teachers are the usual around here (even the title knows Akko is a "Nonsensical Witch"). Whether you like Akko's interesting approach to magic or not, get ready for ten times the Akko, for the entirety of the light novel is in first person, from the viewpoint of none other than Atsuko Kagari herself! Prepare yourselves for five times the complaining about schoolwork, and fifty times the gushing about Shiny Chariot.[2]

Tropes used in Little Witch Academia: The Nonsensical Witch and the Country of the Fairies include:

See Little Witch Academia and the character sheet for the 2017 series for more tropes.

  • Beige Prose: Due to the easy reading level (it is a light novel), many descriptions gets straight to the point without hiding their meanings behind a thousand and one metaphors. Sentences are often short. The entire novel isn't written like that, though, and more complex sentences and descriptions are eventually introduced.

Sucy grinned at me.
I'd seen the eyedropper she was holding.
Oh, wow. That was a close one. She'd almost gotten me again.

  • Canon Foreigner: Three new characters, never seen in the series the novel is based on, are introduced in the book: Alan, Feoras, and Sifla.
  • Catfolk: The Cait Sith clan is made up of walking, talking cat people.
  • Cats Are Mean: The trio is warned that they should absolutely not enter the Country of the Fairies. Because this is Akko we're talking about, she ignored the warning and entered the Country of the Fairies. What did she find? Cats. A group of cats who are not nice. When they saw the trio, they immediately lunged at Akko and her friends. They only stopped because Feoras ordered them to. The dogs are somehow even worse.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Alan, immediately established as lazy when he was brought in on a sled because he was too lazy to walk. He's also too lazy to talk.
  • First Person Perspective: You're stuck in Akko's perspective. This is the perfect excuse for Tachibana to spam the words "Shiny Chariot" over and over again. Oh boy, does Akko do a lot of gushing about Shiny Chariot in this light novel.
  • Legacy Character: The title of Sifla was passed down from generation to generation. At the time of the light novel, the current Sifla was six years old.
  • Long Title: What kind of title is The Nonsensical Witch and the Country of the Fairies? It's already long enough on its own, but add the Little Witch Academia franchise into its name and you've made a sentence, not title. Who actually types out Little Witch Academia: The Nonsensical Witch and the Country of the Fairies on their own, without using the copy paste function? If you do, then you must be one of the most determined people on the planet. Even more determined than Akko to see Shiny Chariot.
  • Interquel: The novel takes place sometime in the first half of season 1 of Little Witch Academia.
  • The Noun and the Noun: Hey, did you know there is a "Nonsensical Witch"? Did you also know that the "Country of the Fairies" is a thing?
    • Two chapter titles, "The Trial of the Fairy King and a Mysterious Dream", and "A Huge Mistake and a Huge Rampage!", also qualifies. "The Battle Between the Cait Sith and Cu Sith" breaks the format just a little bit, and thus is disqualified.
  • Short Title: Long Elaborate Subtitle: The Nonsensical Witch and the Country of the Fairies is quite a subtitle.
  • Too Important to Walk: Alan is too lazy to walk. He is also important to the Cu Sith, therefore he gets dragged on a sled by his own personal army of dogs.
  • The X of Y: The Country of the Fairies.
  1. English translation in 2019
  2. You know how we have the Gushing About Characters You Like page? Well, we could fill an entire subpage with nothing but Akko's quotes about Chariot.