Fridge Brilliance

  • Macross Frontier gave me a moment when I pondered Mikhail going for the head of Brera's Variable Fighter in Episode 9. At first, this made no sense, because the head unit of a Variable Fighter only contains sensors and a near useless laser, and the former is only really used in Battroid mode when the cockpit is retracted and covered in armor when transforming into Battroid mode. The trick is, the pilot need only transform into Fighter or GERWALK mode to enable the pilot to use his own vision, as The Hero does in Macross Zero to great effect after he loses his own fighter's head. Meanwhile, the cockpit is actually contained inside the center of mass, which is actually the easier target anyway, so it didn't make sense for him to aim for the head. After I thought about it a little more, I realized that they weren't trying to kill Brera, they were trying to capture him. When Mikhail goes for the shot, Alto has Brera tied up in hand-to-hand sumo mecha style, and I realized that with so many intermingled moving parts that part of the reason for the sumo wrestling was to prevent the other from transforming out of Battroid mode, as well as keep them stationary. Thus, if Brera's head got shot off, he'd be completely blind in his current transformation mode, and unable to transform into a different one because Alto was all over him. With a connected shot, Alto would have easily had the upper hand and could have disabled Brera's fighter with a few well-placed point barrier punches.
  • Sheryl is not the only girl that Grace has infected with the V-type virus, there were nine other girls before her. If you pay attention to the dialouge between them in the tv series and the movie you find out that Sheryl's nickname given to her by Grace and her collegues is Fairy 9. That means that there were essentially 8 other failed projects before her, and of them Sheryl is the only one who had made it the farthest both in life and in their objectives. In other words there were eight other little girls who Grace and her collegues painfully infected with the V-type virus who died before they ever got a chance to really experience life. Evidence of this comes from the Drama CDs where Grace is regrettfully realizes that Sheryl might never get to fall in love, or find anyone that would be able to understand her. This wouldn't be so bad except Grace sounds certain that Sheryl would never be able to live that long, as though its happened before. Grace had done it before to other girls that's why she was able to other girls that's why she was able to erase all of her memories of raising Sheryl so easily. Grace and her collegues are truly CompleteMonsters.
  • Macross Frontier has Ranka Lee being hailed as the Super Dimension Cinderella, but there are even more Princess parallels throughout.
    • One can easily guess that Nanase might be Sleeping Beauty based on the coma she had in the latter quarter of the series.
    • Sheryl Nome draws the less obviously from "Rapunzel" she was taken in by a by an Enchantress re: Cyborg partially to spite her ancestors and was trapped in the prison of her own dying body, also it wasn't her hair, which in its own right is very unique, but her Singing Voice that drew her the attention of her prince.
    • Even Alto has something in common with a princess, Kaguya-Hime, both wanted nothing more than to escape that which confined them and return to the Sky.
    • As of the last movie, Sheryl is the apparent relationship winner, though there might have been subtle hints all along there is one that called out to me; Triangler Fight On Stage! who is the one who sings the line Like how we are friends but you don't love me? it wasn't Sheryl

Fridge Horror

  • The second Macross Frontier movie has this. After Sheryl falls into coma after watching Alto disappear, Ranka heals her - just like in the series. It is then stated that "Sheryl will wake up when Alto comes back - just like in the series. But there is one crucial difference Alto won't come back in the movie verse - and thus Sheryl will never wake up. By saving Sheryl, Ranka just condemned her to lifelong coma. How is That? Now there is of course a possibility that Sheryl will just wake up on her own, but the prospect of transforming a death into A Fate Worse Than Death is definitely there.
    • Jossed by Kawamori himself in an interview.