Miraculous Ladybug/Fridge

Revision as of 01:22, 12 June 2023 by GalaxySagi777 (talk | contribs) (Added Fridge Brilliance and Horror regarding Timebreaker.)

Fridge Brilliance

Season 1

Stormy Weather:

The Bubbler:

  • Of course Hawkmoth/Gabriel avoided being taken. Not only is he the puppet master, but his lair is in a room hidden from prying eyes and outside of the one he controls, doesn't seem to have any windows.

Mr. Pigeon:

  • Aside from being a Butt Monkey and the scene just being funny, of course Jean wouldn't mind being a door slammed in his face three times! He's the butler of the Bourgeois', he's got to have a lot of patience to deal with them and has probably dealt with worse.


  • It makes sense why Alya doesn't think Marinette would be Ladybug, they were technically there at the same time via time travel and had scattered to safety before she learned it was because of said time travel.

Fridge Horror

Season 1

Stormy Weather:

The Bubbler:

  • Thank goodness Ladybug and Chat Noir stopped the Bubbler. The bubbles going into space don't paint a pretty picture for the adults/imprisoned students. Either the bubbles can make it into space and the adults/imprisoned students die from no oxygen or the bubbles can't take getting out of the atmosphere and pop, sending everyone to their deaths!

Mr. Pigeon:

  • His allergy is played for laughs, but still Adrien/Chat must've been suffering when all those pigeons carried him off.


  • So is the bad timeline (i.e the first one) gone now? Or does there exist a timeline where Paris is forever without it's greatest heroes, several children are lost to time, and Ivan (and maybe Nathaniel, Juleka and Nino, we never see them getting frozen) probably having to deal with severe PTSD for being the sole survivor(s).
  • Timebreaker essentially erases people from existence, which can't be a very good feeling for said people. At best, it's like Infinity War where the people passed out before the deal is done. At worst, the people are stuck frozen but aware that they're fading away.
  • Both this and Fridge Sadness: It's probably for the best, the watch was fixed. It's later revealed in a later season that that pocket watch is the vessel for the Bunny Miraculous. I know it was probably kept out to reveal the twist but in those moments the watch was destroyed, what happened to Fluff?
    • Nevermind, looked it up. Kwami's can't die, they only lose contact with their means to speak with humans. Which, while not scary, is still pretty depressing to think Fluff (even if it was temporary) could no longer talk to Alix. Especially since it's been established Fluff's been passed down through generations of the Kubdel Family. To have that bond broken just like that sounds horrible.

Fridge Sadness

Season 1

The Bubbler:

  • There's a decent chance those pens from the last three years weren't actual gifts from Gabriel, they just so happen to be things Nathalie kept on her desk and not wanting to disappoint Gabriel she gave them to Adrien and passed them off as gifts from his father.

Fridge Logic