• Alternate Character Interpretation: Some interpret Mark as a drug addict, due to his pill taking.
  • Breather Level: Round 5. It's fairly easy, there's only one real boss, and the level itself is a lot more pleasant looking and sounding than any of the others. It comes right before Round 6, generally considered to be the hardest.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The game can get quite disturbing at points...
  • Never Live It Down: To Deceased Crab, during his delusion over the flare gun in La-Mulana, he chose this game to bring help relieve himself. He also admits to being drunk while making this video.
  • That One Boss: The Giant Dragon in Level 8. Not only is it constantly swooping in and colliding with you to ravage your hit points in a matter of seconds, but its weak point is extremely hard to hit for exactly the same reason.
  • That One Level: Level 6. An extremely confusing Haunted House maze, filled with fast-moving blue ghosts that swoop down from overhead and a continuous howling wind sound effect that starts out pretty neat but, when paired with the background music, quickly becomes a Most Annoying Sound.