Mike: I can't keep burdening Lisa forever, but I do have a Happy Box and nice-bodied girls like Nan and Linda to keep me company, so I'm pretty happy in my own way. Nyahahahaha!
Linda: I'm sorry, Mike, but that's called sexual harassment these days.
Mike: This is a hard world we live in now. How disappointing.

  • Chapter 8. The Empire Pork Building. The toilet dungeon.
  • Roaming the highways in Chapter 7...on an animate coffee table.
  • "No problem here... problem here."
  • "Thank you for taking the time to read this sign. This sign loves you."
  • When you find out the real difference between the green and regular trains.
  • The random music and fireworks presents.
  • "Your friend smells like a dog..."
  • "It's perfectly safe! See? I can roll it like this!"
  • The Barrier Trio strikes one final Barrier Pose! --- It was spectacular.
  • Wess opening the large, mouth-shaped door in Osohe Castle. By dancing to disco music!

Wess: Don't look around! I swear I'm not sticking my butt out or anything like that!

      • The best part is that this makes the door laugh, allowing you through.
    • Also, the scene in chapter four where Boney dresses up like a kid to get into the nightclub.

"Shake! ...Oh, sorry about that. I just get that instinct when I look at you..."

    • A particularly amusing moment in the otherwise bleak endgame: Dr. Andonuts rolling Porky around in the Absolutely Safe Capsule.
    • The refreshing toilets segment.
    • Lucas opened the present. You heard a mambo/reggae/waltz rhythm. Ah.
    • Every single sign ever.

Preserve our beautiful scenery! Please refrain from posting signs.

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